Olaa! Tieempo haciia and actuu qee no, xo esqq with qee caalor unaa Acee to you ACEER quiitan the ganaas of anything, so I spend all qe frentee to ventiiladorr DIIA! Qe Puues
miraando by New Moon Meyer (pagiina geniaal) qe vistoo

I have hechoo uan parodiia of Crepuscuulo in comiic, i not only that, but already has tambiien qe New Moon. Loscomics called Luna Lune Crepsuculon and I leave with some pictures i made a video of presentaacion Lune Moon! The videeo PROMEET to veer if I step alguuna libreeriaa i look to see SSII staa! Dentroo a publiicare Raato something maas!!
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