Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Get Poptropica Credits


Words Pily B
., Editor of NGC 3660 :
Today is the last day that NGC 3660 update its contents, except for those weekly installments of the project pending the Fallen which will remain posted until they are completed. Therefore, after 10 years of business and, hopefully, a meaningful contribution to our gender, NGC 3660 lies indefinitely. Moreover, NGC 3660 lies quiet now since the situation has changed, and in addition there are other sites as appropriate, dedicated to the same function, there are also other places on the net (mainly blogs) created by where these authors also reveal their works. Finally, I have to say it's been a pleasure working with each and every one of the authors that have nurtured for ten years to this small galaxy (many and great friends), and know that some of them, thanks to our breath and just this little space, are published today on paper by various publishers and their activity literary enjoys excellent health. This personally makes me very proud.
Thanks also to our readers, and those who made it possible for NGC 3660 Ignotus received two awards.
And thanks, finally, to all by the experience and for allowing this website has occupied a small space in your lives. has been a pleasure.
long and prosperous life for future generations.

Pily B.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shower Door Installation Instructions

illustrious guest: YAWARETÉ. (PAUL DE BELLA )

is the professional name of Argentine illustrator Paul De Bella

. Professor of Fine Arts, specializing in painting and printing.
studied with Alberto Breccia and Cartoon Drawing with Roberto Páez. Done illustration work for various publishers, Comics copyright and continues to form as a visual artist studying techniques of oriental art.
Through these links you can access your blog
imagery-Log and his fantasy- personal page.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sending New Baby Arrival Message



Everything happens after a session of hypnosis. Cristian Campos, a "hypnotherapist" little recognized, subject to one of his patients to regress to kick the habit of snuff. In the process, an astonishing event occurs. The patient begins to speak in tongues "dead" and explains in detail a situation occurred in mid-eighteenth century. This surprising fact, Cristian leads to a secret agency, covered by the Church itself. Under those circumstances, he is shown the true face of human knowledge, associated with supernatural beings that are directly related to the wisdom and erudition. Why do some people have a gift, an innate quality that makes them special and not others? What makes a person a genius revered through the ages? Revelations that will change the reality of Christian completely. Beethoven, Kim Peek, Velazquez, Michelangelo, Seneca, Da Vinci, Hawking, etc., all were and are exposed to the mystery of Babylon tells Cera. Link wax. Link

the publisher

By: Pilar Alberdi

Salvador Hello, how are living being a writer who published his first novel?
With enthusiasm, satisfaction and a bit of resignation. All at the same time. The reality of my first novel is a very important fact that the prevailing enthusiasm and satisfaction above anything else. But the literary profession is very complicated. With hard work, perseverance and patience objectives are achieved and, thank God, I am getting a hole in bookstores.

"27 years are few or many in this profession?

From my humble point of view, 27 years are few to many facets of life, even if we talk about literature. Finding a publisher to risk novel by a writer with 27 years (age at which published the novel) and at times, has only one condition: that what you write is of quality. Frankly my book has many features that make it an enjoyable work and general interest, but the writers are perfectionists and are always doing our part to improve our writing. My journey has only just begun.

Do you feel happy with the results?
I am very happy to reach the 2 nd edition of Wax

Babylon. I have only words of thanks to my publisher, Nacho Ares for his witty prologue Antonio Velázquez to illustrate my words, and all people who bought the book. I have received via email, many comments from readers who have enjoyed reading the novel. To make matters worse, I received this past year, a literary award from the School of Communication at Sevilla. Wax

Babylon continues to report me joy every day. Simply remember your publication is a pride for me.

Do you think your job as a writer has helped you?
My job as a writer has influenced my way of making literature, that is, helped me build my personal style. Valiéndome own resources of the narrative, we grant to all my writings a very cinematic style. I try to capture the reader's attention from the first time through a dynamic structure with many unexpected twists in the plot.
new projects? currently working on her second novel, different themed wax

Babylon, and in collaboration with producer "Atenea Producciones" I'm supporting several film projects.
If you had to define yourself in few words, say you ...

A humble guy, with great commitment and many social desire to teach others, through entertainment, the particular vision I have of the world.
you like to read a. ..

Conan Doyle, Susanna Clarke, Lovecraft, García Márquez, Borges, Chandler, Lorenzo Silva, Asimov, etc.
Dreaming ...
Follow my dreams coming true.

ideal as a writer ...
give pause to readers, to interfere in stories that will never be part of it not for the fiction. Entertain, inform, excite ... literature is so great and powerful that words fail. Thanks


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Retail Shop Cover Letter Samples

You, Me and the moon

You, Me and the moon ...

Skin against skin,

beat against beat

love bleeding hearts

sweet words that get tangled like thorns,

lips that set fire to the skin

marked on each shudder.

again fall at your feet,

me laugh no more,

no respite for you and for me,

has no redemption or break

for our tortured souls,

chained to a dark past,

convicted of acts of control.

Lust be sweeping my

with egos destroyed, burned

in your eyes that I submitted,

my torture , I wish you my sentence ...

making chains my soul

enredala at you with words of love

floating in the nothingness of our moon crimson.

You, Me and the moon ...

silent witness of our own destiny,

of our punishment, desire, and scourge,

scourge of our impulses

back to you with nothing to hide

you who know the demons of my mind

you travel every corner of my being

you own my body and the essence of my soul,

me free with your kisses and make me fly

the mist where we are free,

where you are not the hunter

but the dam in my arms folded,

gentle and quiet.

You, Me and the moon ...

lethal secret of your smile

after you hide your truth.

You, Me and the moon fell verse

from my lips with a tear of blood,

that makes your skin pink.

You, Me and the moon,

battle without truce ...


Friday, March 25, 2011

Toronto Cruising Spots


Publishers Worlds Epic and Dream
Paper presented in Madrid, on Saturday March 26, the following books: Repentance and
other stories of Juan Silva

, The case of false fairy
drowned in
Antonio J. Cuevas and Neithel manuscripts, volumes I and II of David Velasco . Meet at the library Generation X Comics , C / De la Puebla, 15, 28004 - Madrid. Hours: - 17:30, Repentance and Other Stories , Juan Silva. - 18:30, Neithel manuscripts

I and II, David Velasco.
- 19:30,
The case of false fairy drowned, Antonio J. Cuevas.
for today Friday, March 25, is expected to present the book Soils III Meed, Ashes of Carlos González Sosa. This event will be held at 20:00 pm in the Cultural Area Chamber El Corte Inglés, Calle Mesa y Lopez, 15, 7 th floor, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sample Letter From Church


Combi Federico (Argentina, 1981). Here we present his latest work for the publisher Send Print
The illustrator page in this

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tobradex More Drug_uses


By: Pilar Alberdi The application of collaborative editor Raúl Gonzalvez the SWAT Group has been over the years the flagship of horror, science fiction and fantasy epic invites me to make some observations. several years now, dedicated to the visibility of English authors.

The other day I listened to the presentation of a book by an association of women writers of Malaga, the word 'empowerment' (empowering), and the term was properly applied in this case with respect to the writers, so it is with respect English publishers small in relation to us, the writers, what they give us is to face the indifference of other publishers who prefer, almost exclusively foreign authors or contests, in addition to accepting works in English, also accepted in other languages. And I, I'm Hispanic by birth and conviction, I can not also recognize that while in Spain takes place in all competitions awards to authors of Latin America, the international literary competitions in those areas are conspicuous by their absence, but now we can say that they appear certain, and is a comforting figure.

A serious prejudice exists, and it seems that this topic often jumps to the forums, is the lack of criticism. Gentlemen, it 'lords', because this world is also male, to critique everyone knows what he writes. What else is necessary cooperation. What will become of what we write, we'll see. Time to time. Do not decide it. The second bias is the belief that whoever you risk riding a publisher has to bear all expenses. And if the publisher does not charge, that is literary quality. Another absurdity. Do they, perhaps, may have the same literary quality a young person who already has his job? The quality is perceived to be paid or not. Or did we literary quality in everything they publish the big publishers? Do you not perceive "cronyism" in certain circles? I say that today is still paying poetry, and poets do not care, because it is almost the only way they can publish. But beware, in the past, it is also paid Damaso Alonso, Lorca, Cernuda, Alberti, etc. Should we say why I wrote mal?

Y, por último, el más grave problema con el que se encuentran los nuevos editores: la distribución. ¿Cómo conseguir que sus libros se vean entre otros 74.000 libros españoles que salen al mercado cada año? Porque como todos sabemos ya viene siendo práctica, no sé aquí, pero sí en países anglosajones, que en las grandes librerías se pague por el lugar que ocuparán los libros de una determinada editorial para ser más visibles.
Y ahora sí, les dejo algunas de las novedades del Grupo Ajec para los próximos meses, y después la nota que pasó Raúl.

Avances editoriales del SWAT Group:

, Sergio Parra. Nemesis

, Juan Miguel Aguilera and Javier Redal. Tahnwar
's order. The fourth age I

, Francisco Villarrubia
dark in the city of Angel Torres Quesada. Nights
salt , David Matthew.
Looking at the stars , AF Black
Dance of the secrets , Jesús Cañadas.
Divergence to infinity , Fernando La Fuente.
The horrors of the scalpel , Daniel Mares
Serious plains, Antonio Santos.
Raúl Letter Gonzalvez, publisher of SWAT Group.
Dear Friends Due to bad economic news received in the past 48 hours, and after much work to try to solve the problems that threaten, unfortunately, the continuity of SWAT as a publisher, I am compelled to ask you directly helps to move forward.
This aid goes through get-out of this rut, at least 50 new subscribers for SWAT, if we succeed, this small injection of cash, we will have saved a major challenge, that recent changes we are facing has led us. This subscription is free, but preferably for at least 50 euros, and will apply to both new titles are due to appear, and include titles already published. It may also choose to subscribe only to a collection, or to loose titles. Subscribers will have a discount of 20% of pvp on the books, plus a gift book, and before they receive their books in bookstores. You can subscribe
by admission (free, but preferably at least 50 euros), account number: 2810009790
08 3058 0181,
confirmation of it in the mail or with your details and addresses for shipping. For further information please write to and will be happy to address your questions.

I hope that together we can help to succeed. Thank you very much for your support in advance. Raul


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sample Wedding Welcome Message


The Miniature Digital Magazine

announces the IX International Contest of micro story Fantasy Miniature 2011.

1. May compete all stakeholders, regardless of age. Or unpublished works reflect themes of fantasy, science fiction and / or terror, it could have been published in digital media (blogs, websites, etc.). No published paper support. 2. Papers must be submitted in Castilian. 3. The length of the text may not exceed 25 lines (in Office Word size A4 paper with 3 cm. Margins on each side). The work will be presented in Times New Roman Font score 12.
4. Be accepted up to two works by the author in a single message. All participants will receive confirmation of receipt.
5. Jobs should be signed. This signature will include: name, nationality, age, address, e-mail and a brief literary curriculum should possess. Pseudonyms are not acceptable.
6. Participation should be delivered only via e-mail to: in the subject: "IX International Contest of micro story Miniature Fantasy 2011" (not open the papers received with another story.) 7. Participation and the required data must be integrated into the body of the message. Attachments are not allowed any kind. 8. Be awarded one first prize by the jury consisting of the publication of the winning in our digital magazine, diploma, and a 4GB flash memory (which will be sent via postal mail address to provide the winner). Also mentions will be awarded by the jury deems appropriate which will also be published in the special issue of the Journal devoted to Miniature Digital competition, receiving their diploma. (The event's organizers will not be responsible for any loss or damage awards or diplomas in the transfer order). 9. Given the large number of papers presented at previous calls for children, the jury will select the best microstories of participants under 16, who also receive diploma, and published in the journal. 10. Under no circumstances the first prize will be forfeited
11. The jury will be composed of members of our team, and renowned writers of the genre. The jury's decision is final and will be released on September 30, 2011 by email to all participants once they have been published in many distinguished websites and blogs related to gender.
12. The authors did not lose the copyright on their works. 13. The entry period will begin on March 15 and expire on June 30, 2011 at 12 pm English time. 14. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of its rules.

Ricardo Acevedo E. and Carmen Rosa Signes
Directors Miniature Digital Magazine

If you wish, You can download the bases in pdf format by clicking here. Ricardo Acevedo E.

Director of Digital Magazine Miniature
To download Minatures Magazine in pdf format, you will find:
In this blog you will find everything related to

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chiggers More Condition_symptoms


The Editorial
SDP (Dreams of paper) continues its journey
adding to his first collection of stories, the book

Repentance and other tales of

Dreams paper, the data sheet, access to the presentation of the book and start reading the first story. Juan Silva surprises us again with his inimitable style which mixes fantasy and reality, all wrapped in large doses of sentiment. Their stories are stories idealistic, even innocent, that talk about difficult love, friendship with animals or between people of different ages. Soledad, magic, hopes, sacrifices ... These are just some of the ingredients that make up some stories with which the author tries to show how you would like the world.

A suicide letter that ends up being a love story, the relationship between human beings and animals, as seen through the eyes of a child, stories inspired by a mother in the passage of time, in old age stories that we'd always wanted to tell us the warmth of a fireplace, with that old flavor that makes us sigh. Delve into these pages and experience a myriad of emotions ... Paper Dreams is pleased to announce the release of 'Repentance and Other Stories' of
Juan Silva, a work belonging to the Tales series . On sale March 15.
- Title: Repentance and Other Stories
- Author: Juan Silva
- Cover Illustration: Miguel Rego Harkness
- Graphic design and layout: Paul Guil
- ISBN: 978-84-92826-16-2
- Collection: Tales Series
- Format: 152 pp. 21.6 x 15 cm.
- PVP: 14.00 € Then I leave the link to the presentation of book publishing, and reading. Book presentation


front pages Buy this book:

Note: The above title of this collection was

Caverns of loneliness and death of

José María Guil.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Atvs For Sale In Georgia


Isabel Brown born in 1985 in Medellin, Colombia. Is a graphic designer who graduated from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. More information and access to its website here.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Film Salieri Streaming

BOOK 2011

Texts Editorial
Bite Dead
be part of Babel Tower Books , Marta Minují work
n created in the context of the statement "Buenos Aires World Capital Book 2011 ", awarded by UNESCO. will be a tower of 25 meters, composed of about 20,000 books written in different languages. The mega facility is mounted on 7 May in the Plaza San Martín, Retiro, and will remain until Saturday 28 May. The specimens are vacuum packed and placed in metal panels are fastened to the structure of the tower, which people can climb. Will have seven floors, will be lit and you hear music as it ascends. Weightless of Fernando Figueras
always hungry ghosts of José María Marcos e
of Carlos Marcos , which are designed by artist Mica Hernández. be recalled on the occasion of this event Minujín Marta, now responsible for the creation of the Tower of Babel Book, the artist was commissioned in 1983, riding a Parthenon of Books Banned by the military dictatorship.