The application of collaborative editor Raúl Gonzalvez
the SWAT Group has been over the years the flagship of horror, science fiction and fantasy epic invites me to make some observations.
several years now, dedicated to the visibility of English authors.
The other day I listened to the presentation of a book by an association of women writers of Malaga, the word 'empowerment' (empowering), and the term was properly applied in this case with respect to the writers, so it is with respect English publishers small in relation to us, the writers, what they give us is to face the indifference of other publishers who prefer, almost exclusively foreign authors or contests, in addition to accepting works in English, also accepted in other languages. And I, I'm Hispanic by birth and conviction, I can not also recognize that while in Spain takes place in all competitions awards to authors of Latin America, the international literary competitions in those areas are conspicuous by their absence, but now we can say that they appear certain, and is a comforting figure.
A serious prejudice exists, and it seems that this topic often jumps to the forums, is the lack of criticism. Gentlemen, it 'lords', because this world is also male, to critique everyone knows what he writes. What else is necessary cooperation. What will become of what we write, we'll see. Time to time. Do not decide it.
The second bias is the belief that whoever you risk riding a publisher has to bear all expenses. And if the publisher does not charge, that is literary quality. Another absurdity. Do they, perhaps, may have the same literary quality a young person who already has his job? The quality is perceived to be paid or not. Or did we literary quality in everything they publish the big publishers? Do you not perceive "cronyism" in certain circles?
I say that today is still paying poetry, and poets do not care, because it is almost the only way they can publish. But beware, in the past, it is also paid Damaso Alonso, Lorca, Cernuda, Alberti, etc. Should we say why I wrote mal? Y, por último, el más grave problema con el que se encuentran los nuevos editores: la distribución. ¿Cómo conseguir que sus libros se vean entre otros 74.000 libros españoles que salen al mercado cada año? Porque como todos sabemos ya viene siendo práctica, no sé aquí, pero sí en países anglosajones, que en las grandes librerías se pague por el lugar que ocuparán los libros de una determinada editorial para ser más visibles.
Y ahora sí, les dejo algunas de las novedades del
Grupo Ajec para los próximos meses, y después la nota que pasó Raúl.
Avances editoriales del SWAT Group:
, Sergio Parra. Nemesis
, Juan Miguel Aguilera and Javier Redal.
's order. The fourth age I
, Francisco Villarrubia
dark in the city of Angel Torres Quesada. Nights
salt , David Matthew.
Looking at the stars , AF Black
Dance of the secrets , Jesús Cañadas.
Divergence to infinity , Fernando La Fuente.
The horrors of the scalpel , Daniel Mares
Serious plains, Antonio Santos.
Raúl Letter Gonzalvez, publisher of SWAT Group. Dear Friends Due to bad economic news received in the past 48 hours, and after much work to try to solve the problems that threaten, unfortunately, the continuity of SWAT as a publisher, I am compelled to ask you directly helps to move forward. This aid goes through get-out of this rut, at least 50 new subscribers for SWAT, if we succeed, this small injection of cash, we will have saved a major challenge, that recent changes we are facing has led us.
This subscription is free, but preferably for at least 50 euros, and will apply to both new titles are due to appear, and include titles already published. It may also choose to subscribe only to a collection, or to loose titles. Subscribers will have a discount of 20% of pvp on the books, plus a gift book, and before they receive their books in bookstores. You can subscribe by admission (free, but preferably at least 50 euros), account number: 2810009790
08 3058 0181,
confirmation of it in the mail or with your details and addresses for shipping.
For further information please write to and will be happy to address your questions.
I hope that together we can help to succeed. Thank you very much for your support in advance. Raul