The Miniature Digital Magazine
announces the IX International Contest of micro story Fantasy Miniature 2011.
1. May compete all stakeholders, regardless of age. Or unpublished works reflect themes of fantasy, science fiction and / or terror, it could have been published in digital media (blogs, websites, etc.). No published paper support.

4. Be accepted up to two works by the author in a single message. All participants will receive confirmation of receipt.
5. Jobs should be signed. This signature will include: name, nationality, age, address, e-mail and a brief literary curriculum should possess. Pseudonyms are not acceptable.
6. Participation should be delivered only via e-mail to: in the subject: "IX International Contest of micro story Miniature Fantasy 2011" (not open the papers received with another story.) 7. Participation and the required data must be integrated into the body of the message. Attachments are not allowed any kind. 8. Be awarded one first prize by the jury consisting of the publication of the winning in our digital magazine, diploma, and a 4GB flash memory (which will be sent via postal mail address to provide the winner). Also mentions will be awarded by the jury deems appropriate which will also be published in the special issue of the Journal devoted to Miniature Digital competition, receiving their diploma. (The event's organizers will not be responsible for any loss or damage awards or diplomas in the transfer order). 9. Given the large number of papers presented at previous calls for children, the jury will select the best microstories of participants under 16, who also receive diploma, and published in the journal. 10. Under no circumstances the first prize will be forfeited
11. The jury will be composed of members of our team, and renowned writers of the genre. The jury's decision is final and will be released on September 30, 2011 by email to all participants once they have been published in many distinguished websites and blogs related to gender.
12. The authors did not lose the copyright on their works. 13. The entry period will begin on March 15 and expire on June 30, 2011 at 12 pm English time. 14. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of its rules.
Ricardo Acevedo E. and Carmen Rosa Signes
Directors Miniature Digital Magazine
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Director of Digital Magazine Miniature
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