Everything happens after a session of hypnosis. Cristian Campos, a "hypnotherapist" little recognized, subject to one of his patients to regress to kick the habit of snuff. In the process, an astonishing event occurs. The patient begins to speak in tongues "dead" and explains in detail a situation occurred in mid-eighteenth century. This surprising fact, Cristian leads to a secret agency, covered by the Church itself. Under those circumstances, he is shown the true face of human knowledge, associated with supernatural beings that are directly related to the wisdom and erudition. Why do some people have a gift, an innate quality that makes them special and not others? What makes a person a genius revered through the ages? Revelations that will change the reality of Christian completely. Beethoven, Kim Peek, Velazquez, Michelangelo, Seneca, Da Vinci, Hawking, etc., all were and are exposed to the mystery of Babylon tells Cera. Link

the publisher
By: Pilar Alberdi
Salvador Hello, how are living being a writer who published his first novel?
With enthusiasm, satisfaction and a bit of resignation. All at the same time. The reality of my first novel is a very important fact that the prevailing enthusiasm and satisfaction above anything else. But the literary profession is very complicated. With hard work, perseverance and patience objectives are achieved and, thank God, I am getting a hole in bookstores.
"27 years are few or many in this profession?
From my humble point of view, 27 years are few to many facets of life, even if we talk about literature. Finding a publisher to risk novel by a writer with 27 years (age at which published the novel) and at times, has only one condition: that what you write is of quality. Frankly my book has many features that make it an enjoyable work and general interest, but the writers are perfectionists and are always doing our part to improve our writing. My journey has only just begun.

Do you feel happy with the results?
I am very happy to reach the 2 nd edition of Wax
Babylon. I have only words of thanks to my publisher, Nacho Ares for his witty prologue Antonio Velázquez to illustrate my words, and all people who bought the book. I have received via email, many comments from readers who have enjoyed reading the novel. To make matters worse, I received this past year, a literary award from the School of Communication at Sevilla. Wax
Babylon continues to report me joy every day. Simply remember your publication is a pride for me.
Do you think your job as a writer has helped you?
My job as a writer has influenced my way of making literature, that is, helped me build my personal style. Valiéndome own resources of the narrative, we grant to all my writings a very cinematic style. I try to capture the reader's attention from the first time through a dynamic structure with many unexpected twists in the plot.
new projects? currently working on her second novel, different themed wax
Babylon, and in collaboration with producer "Atenea Producciones" I'm supporting several film projects.
If you had to define yourself in few words, say you ...
A humble guy, with great commitment and many social desire to teach others, through entertainment, the particular vision I have of the world.
you like to read a. ..
Conan Doyle, Susanna Clarke, Lovecraft, García Márquez, Borges, Chandler, Lorenzo Silva, Asimov, etc.
Dreaming ...
Follow my dreams coming true.
ideal as a writer ...
give pause to readers, to interfere in stories that will never be part of it not for the fiction. Entertain, inform, excite ... literature is so great and powerful that words fail. Thanks
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