salvation or ship Ship of Fools was the Work of God, seemed happy but a part of Eugenio Trias recorded absurd or insane.
Cologne, Cologne, the German town where he lived his last year as cash |
"Why is this important innovation to generate a secular lifestyle of unconditional religious commitment, she started to lose because they are integrated in the customs, styles and nones reactionary ways that one can associate the worst chrome Catholicism? How could an archaic clerical order, but much more seasoned, as the Jesuits, he had by then taken the lead in almost everything? How could it be that what was born as a juvenile momentum transformation of society in general, and the church would later be the standard the most reactive and it repulsive? I, the truth, I could not believe what I saw, but had chosen to wear a blindfold on, at least for a while. "
lives a year in Madrid, Diego de León, where they were moved by the specialty of philosophy was not yet in Pamplona. Call
philosophy studies at the Complutense then real eyesore, the faculty was a nest of aliens (and general managers of the scheme). A lost year, but at the end you propose to go to Germany. He saw talent. "With the illusion of becoming German Germans," one of the corny for domestic consumption tenured English exports. He
semester and three in Cologne Bonn. There
Hölderlin discovered, the three Kantian critiques and guided by the cash Fernando Inciarte Plato, who advised him to explode some dialogue for a future doctoral thesis.
I said numeraries more professionally oriented and no doubt always numeraries dedicated to core tasks and supplies. Thus was conceived the Opus Dei.
Gradually, in contrast to the experiences students had in college, both festive gatherings and other more serious debate, the inclusion in the Work he was becoming a liability. He says the center was devastated when told that the Work left.
"They did everything possible and impossible to avoid it but good to me. I was not subjected to "any third grade" (as seems to happen in other cases according to the chronicles). All were hospitality and good manners. "
I love to have access to the instructions that come to the school in this and other cases from the top of Opus Dei, because thinking at this point that the output type depends on the center where you are very foolish. And the third grade not to the chronicles, but Panikkar and Carmen Tapia.
"During the morning on the floor of Stadtwaldgürtel, almost to the outskirts of Cologne, helped the secretary of the institution in Germany. I remember he kept making photocopies; through my hands passed provisions that came from Rome and was distributed by the different "regions" of the Work. was where I discovered some circular or full of anxiety in me began to sow seeds of doubt. In particular gave me a leaflet scandal which made a series of recommendations to members who came to hold public office or political office. They have instigated that priority consideration, in order to fill vacancies or made up of members of Opus Dei related, or at least by cooperators or addicted or next. Practically encouraged the cronyism that all enemies of the Work , which were legion including my own father, reproached him bitterly. "
" By this time the enemy seemed to be right. I read the paper without giving credit to what my eyes saw. And if that were right enemies, "because I was going to miss everything else? Would not it be a sinister Artwork machinery invented for the conquest of power that took advantage of dictatorial regimes such as Franco, which had no political parties to act in the way of a powerful lobby and also the most reactionary forces converged on the political spectrum? "
Eugenio Trias cheesy shirts called the Phalangists old regime, the Democrats and meapilas seem more sensible, modern and high-mindedness with Opus Dei ministers of the regime.
If high-mindedness that four ministers opposed the millions diverted public money for the famous MATES, we should see it carefully.
On the next page reveals a couple of years later, when he had left the Work His father "was effectively followed by those skilled technocrats, who were also almost all who saw Catalans my father a great alibi: a man from phalanx that mental development was very close to their positions in the economy, though perhaps they listed to the left on social issues. " He was offered the Ministry of Housing. He did not take that position because in the meantime the father of Trias fell ill and died that same month, October 1969. Which coincides Trias does not say, with the entry into whirlwind of Opus Dei to the executive, after the scandal Matesa Opus Dei ministers were more than ever, the "government monochrome." In the first row of the funeral, what honor, Lopez Rodo.
already see that we move into other levels as mounting harassment and persecution throw someone from a family that deserved so much attention on the part of Opus Dei.
But I love this great world that moves around the Opus and even offered a cabinet post, because his father kept criticizing:
"Opus perhaps began as a force for renewal (other than was not put anything in the history of English Catholicism), but has missed the boat, has fallen by the wayside, the Vatican takes place without him, is made to their chagrin, Opus is today Today the most reactionary sector of the Church . Words fathers who were taking their toll on my mood. Especially after one day, talking with a priest at Lake Como this he had missed the following comment regarding John XXIII: May God rest his soul soon. "
Eugenio Trias had taken refuge in his travels in Germany, in raids or philosophical lyrics, concerts, Student association. The future of the Church mattered little. More Christian or Catholic that he was a member of Opus Dei, and I knew that if he left the institution's religious commitment would fall like rotten fruit. Nothing more or less what happened in longer cash.
topic discussed a time, philosophy in the Opus Dei, it says Eugenio Trias:
"The very freedom that he enjoyed reading in this zone it was for me the Faculty of Arts in Cologne, where my duty was to read Kant, Heidegger, or other philosophers, was making impression on my mind. Thomism blinkered that Opus Dei assumed in the internal training of its members, and had already experienced the year I spent in Madrid, struck with all the currents of modernity. In Cologne there was a chair Thomas, because of the sails of a city church which was the main leader Archbishop Cardinal, but did not have any prestige. I was interested in the philosophers of the time, Existentialism, Heidegger, Gadamer's hermeneutics and to the Frankfurt School (....) "
" beginning to feel some nostalgia for familiar surroundings and all of my old classmates or university. I had wanted to adapt the German world with enthusiasm and excitement, but there were aspects of life that caused me strong rejection. Max spoke fluent German, he read philosophy texts and easily test and I even read a novel released ... "
He pulled a good match to his German years, for a English philosopher is a luxury to master this language. And three years in Opus Dei to be a trauma is not the same as 20. Eugenio Trias could return to youth interrupted the family and rediscover the city almost like the left. Not bad.
Cast all narrative devices that seemed to prelude an end in the Opus Dei family pressure, especially his father, a weariness with the lifestyle and the German mentality then, the excessive cold that winter coloniata last, the beginning of the thaw and the first omens spring, the orgy of the senses that is the carnival in Cologne, discovery (lethal) from the documentation that came each day in Rome, certain existential environment among tenured defeat that little could be done in a hostile environment in which the mere mention of Opus Dei are generating the most total disinterest (and a slight contempt, being a Catholic movement from the outpost Africa that was the Spain then.)
was walking in Cologne, I saw the movie billboards banned for cash, followed with the prescribed life plan, with the cold shower that morning was the first to leave when he left Opus Dei, attended mass. I would love to go to a cinema and watch a movie of the Nouvelle Vague then began. And then came the "angel of the Annunciation", the catalyst slightly fictionalized as he himself recognizes, his departure:
A German girl to look after much dared class address a word and never seen again.
But this short conversation made him feel free, had crossed with an angel, a messenger of the gods. He felt something many have felt on stepping out: I am me, and I am free from bondage. Thus was forged the great decision, the irrevocable decision to break with the Work , a break that he wanted soft, agreed and as painless as possible. I wanted to break the Work because yes, I did the Win , because that was my inalienable Will. He would not give any convincing reason, a decision was irreversible, and no one achieved make him desist.
says the director was more desolate than the same when he announced his decision, which followed three months of talks, which was asked for reasons but there was no third degree and all those things that count.
I feel offended that his departure was smooth as mine was hard, it seems that Eugenio Trias doubted that there have been other outlets that have led people even kill themselves or at least try.
better understand Nietzsche and the founder in this strange coincidence that they share and which nobody seems to notice: the herd and aristocracy, the kind of troops and staff of Christ.
He clung to the following grounds: it could not go, he had opened his eyes, was not born to the Work , or it had been created for him, which was to follow his path with no bad vibes that institution but always outside.
also learned that in the future if someone would always be associated with keeping a distance and not to the unbridled youthful enthusiasm and dedication. He was not yet 20 years and closed the first chapter of his life. With his vocation and enlightened could reconnect with the university, friends and colleagues of the past. Cape of Storms a well traversed.
recognizes that sin was hubris, and now his motto would be humility, had wanted to be like the gods, living in a community practically saved and watched the rest of the humans with cavalier superiority of those who know Truth in while ordinary people survive in the dark in the greatest mistake. This distinction between home and the street was constant at that time within the Opus Dei.
Of course, the distinction was constant and necessary for survival in a life so bound, but do not make it up yourself. I grind the inconsistency or failure in the argument volunteer Trias.
With clear ideas that should have landed, face the end of their studies and future career, Trias returned to Barcelona. There was not the encounter with the feminine planet, had to remedy their deficiencies and take initiation.
The rest of the life of Trias at least according to the account and has no relationship with Opus Dei.
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