Friday, May 13, 2011

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had written a post and posted it on Thursday, but he has gone halfway (there have been works in blogger) and I do not know if I know rebuild what it said. What a coincidence

Alejandra bring up Hitler's Germany! and so, all right-thinking Germans, cultured, refined, including Catholic and Protestant Christian mass that supported and sustained.
do not know if you know anything about philosophy, but if anyone has taken their ideas to the limit, and I think there is no better examination of why what happened happened in Germany, Hannah Arendt. It seems I do not read anything lately, but is that all it says about how this woman could be one of the most educated, more developed, more laborious and for whom I have great admiration for various reasons, including being the "country of philosophy" might lead out the mass murder of innocents.

is an extreme example, but not at all unreasonable to compare the Opus Dei and its methods "mental-spiritual" to finish off people with the destruction technically planned and carried out thousands of human beings by the Nazis. With the added problem of how the latter had killed more people in less time and with the least possible expenditure of ammunition, were at war.

The truth that Arendt reading I realize that most of mankind are parrots repeating that we do not stop to think about what we are doing more than necessary. The custom, which everyone does, what we see around us, our standards of conduct. Why put into question if everything "looks" that goes on wheels?

Normally in this city of Pamplona is to admit the Opus Dei, his university, his clinic, his undeniable influence of real estate juggernaut that destroys everything and decides policy including Navarre. If anyone objects are four cats in one corner and a short time. Crematoriums

not have the Opus Dei, but how much People have spent in that city for the consultation of psychiatrists? I even dare say it would be interesting a study on drug consumption in the autonomous region psi and compare. I do not know, in the years I lived there I was surrounded by large consumers of all types of products for sleep, antidepressants, do not even know Haloperidol for serving ... only in my school spending on these drugs was important. Consuming the other person was my mother. Prescription drugs. They talk so much about and pursue the drug, as a great evil for youth, and it is. But drugs officers are not much better, although I prescribed by a doctor.

prisoners of the Nazis

H. Arendt drew from his experience as a Jewish refugee and student of what happened in Germany can be applied to this case. Reading his writings I realize that most humans are parrots repeating what we see and learn in our society. While half say that society is normal and sensible, not very noticeable if people think or what we do and why.

In borderline cases, Nazi Germany made a law crime, and the Opus Dei with their practices to break wills psiquiatrizadoras be borderline cases can assess the degree of reflection of the people. The most reliable in the case of Nazism was not just the Christians or Catholics or Protestants as such disinguieron resist. The Pius XII when he was informed of the crimes against the Jews did not intervene to prevent no reprisals against German Catholics. It was organized religion which fell short of the circumstances, not lived up to many intellectuals of the time, even saw the dictator and his idea of \u200b\u200bthe Aryan race, the embodiment of the superiority of a nation based on latest technology.

Were citizens before the tessitura of persecuting an innocent felt inside, "I can not do" those who gave the note to be given. "I can not harm the innocent" but mandated by law, if I did I could not live with myself. I find it so hard to admit, that two plus two equals five. And this was not the result of high philosophical and theological speculations. Is within reach of anyone being aware, even when given are wrong, when the truth is measured and the quality of our principles.

is what Arendt called the difference between knowing , which results in science to fill the libraries and think or reflect, what Socrates taught to those who approached him. To raise questions about yourself, okay I have done this or I do? self-examination.
knowledge, science is relevant to society. But being alone with himself in each one of us and ask those questions in examination of little benefit to society. Was marginal, to think one must be isolated from demás.Pensar not create values, nor discover the absolute good. Rather, it puts everything into question. Hence, the first thinker, Socrates, to call him a corrupter of youth.

think not create rules of conduct rather thoroughly dissolved. This is the fear that he has the Opus Dei to thinkers, and so the tie as short as possible.

But under normal circumstances our inner dialogue with ourselves does not have political and moral significance, that meaning emerges in those rare moments "in which things fall apart, the center can no longer hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. " (Yeats, WB, The second coming)

"When everyone gets carried away unthinkingly by what everybody else is doing or believe those who think they are torn from their hiding because their refusal to participate attention. .. "

When you find the piece of cult you are not there many paths, or do you blend in with the environment, or sales running. Well, there are those who despite be scared to death, he prefers to make peace and go, acknowledging that "I am guilty of thinking for myself."

Hannah Arendt developed through this philosophy of life , particularly when in 1961 he attended as a reporter at the trial of Nazi Eichmann who had caught the Israelis living incognito in Argentina. After that trial, in the book he wrote on the subject invented the term the banality of evil. That does not mean that evil is not important or not hurt, as some critics want to understand, but most of the perpetrators of this evil were perfectly superficial and thoughtless people.

Copy the text dealing with the Nazi Eichmann:

"With the banality of evil speech did not refer to a theory, but something quite factual, the phenomenon of criminal acts committed on a large scale that could not be imputed to any particularity of wickedness, pathology, or ideological conviction of the people ... Despite the enormity of the acts, the agent was neither a monster nor a demon, and the only feature that could be detected in the past and throughout the trial: it was not stupidity but a curious and quite authentic inability to think . Worked in their role as prominent war criminal, just as he did under the Nazi regime: Eichmann had not the slightest difficulty in accepting a different set of rules. He knew that what was once considered a duty, it was now defined as a crime, and accepted this new trial code as if it were just another different language rule ....
Clichés, stock phrases, adherence to conventional, standardized codes of conduct and expression meet socially recognized function to guard against the requirements of reality. Eichmann was distinguished in that ignored those requests.
This total absence of thought caught my attention. Is it possible when there are evil and reprehensible motives slightest flicker of interest and volition? Not evil, be determined to be a villain, the necessary condition for evil? "

I would answer those questions, go that if one can be cruel without even intending to! only by inertia. And not about culture, knowledge of the greatest works of the human spirit can be the opera, painting, literature. Atrocities like that are watched, people can "enjoy" a sophisticated work of art or developing a complex philosophical system while commanding thousands of human beings to the ultimate humiliation before starving them or kill them.


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