Kari, the least is the belief or not, that's not worth getting because it has to do, and it is a matter that can be discussed in public. We will not get anywhere, who believes it will not stop and that will not change. It's like being blond, brown or red, or be one race or another. I may seem like what I like, but not much to decide to religious feelings and faith.
The issue is the abuse, the behaviors that we are against law and against human rights, we think it should be a rule of law, an open society in which freedom is recognized expression and thought. At least on paper. And we can prove, I can demonstrate that it is not like that before opening your mouth or write half a line on paper or online, nearly kill me trouble. That itself is interested to know. Just as everything that counts the customs of Isabel Rojas, of their doing mischief, raising phones and contacting who can easily fix a trial. The institute
Donapea of \u200b\u200bPamplona, \u200b\u200bwhich was the last bit of land that was left to the University of Navarra for purchasing to seize all the river Sadar, a former mayor of Pamplona write this
Donapea Institute in Pamplona |
: http://www.pamiela.com/bloga/?p=1485
In the news in this newspaper in March that said in large letters "Navarra public will have a training campus for 2013/2014." It was the big headline and second place in small print: "the University of Navarra expand its facilities with the acquisition of existing local Donapea training center." I really have doubts about what is most important to UPN, that is, for Mr. Sanz, if the expansion of the FP or disappears from the Institute campus of the University of Navarra.
The history of vocational institute of the 70 starts. In that time I was in Madrid, accompanied by MJ Urmeneta by management for the municipality of Iruña and learned at the Ministry, that had two days to submit a plot to build an institute FP. Urmeneta, who was then director of the Municipal Savings Bank, made a phone management and for the second day we presented in the plot Donapea Ministry, notarized on behalf of the City Council and the Institute of FP was granted by the Ministry.
Donapea And there arose in school, but also raised the alert of Opus to sprout near a lettuce campus public school and began his acting. Stood on the side slope of the UN campus., A particular parcel that the City tried to buy to expand the focus of FP, but it was impossible to get it, the tentacles of Opus grabbed and bought it. Follow the action Opus on Chalmeta old factory (located in what is now the campus), this factory was built on municipal land, with its closure the land should revert to the City Council, but reverted to the hands of Opus.
There was then a road from the sale of Andrew to the road to Cizur Minor and polytechnic and passing in front of Opus female dorm and the students at the school used to come and go class. The road spanned the river with a small bridge. A bad day this bridge appeared disabled by an iron gate and students had to go to another bridge farther, it seemed that they were annoyed that a public high school students go through the door of his dorm.
At the end of the story, which appeared in the press, says the acquisition of the Institute of FP by Opus will be at market price. I say, asking Mr. Sanz and Ms. Ginger, why not be for the Opus is a ninth price? As all plots were now occupied by the campus and thus also removes the wart Opus he went very close to campus and can say Donapea Totus Opus.
preparing this story, see the April 8th letter of 57 high school teachers Donapea. I commend you for it and without knowing or related us, we agree on our suspicions. Ratify and confirm all your letter you también creen que siempre han sido y estado en un sitio que no les correspondía y que ustedes también sospechan aún más cuando el Gobierno dice “no haber ningún interés oculto a favor de la Universidad del Opus”.
Señores profesores, al final como nos ocurrió a nosotros, Ayuntamiento, la pataleta, pero que se transforma ahora en esta protesta escrita y que a ustedes, como yo, lo expresan, les quedarán al final sus alumnos, entre los cuales se encuentra mi nieto.
Jesús María Velasco Iriarte
Exalcalde de Iruña
Y del blog Etxabakoiz bizirik copio parte de la carta firmada por los 56 profesores del instituto al que regards the former mayor:
The other day we had breakfast with the news, "the center will move to campus Donapea VET." Damn!, Luckily alert to see if we are to go to work and there is none!
Perplexed and amazing speechless by the scoop, we open one of these balloons in thinking that mixes jokes with Forges on the cover of Asterix the Gaul.
From the vantage point of our center spotted the extensions of the university. Jodo!, We triangulated the plots of the University of Navarra and leave us, metro top, metro down, 100 hectares or 1,000,000 m2. What a coincidence that what is needed is the 23,000 square foot Donapea.
do not know why, nor do we know what we have done, but we feel (as it finely), we have always been and been in a place that we should, and that the university lacked this 7 th hill closed extension. The only justification that we find is that our presence distorts its surroundings , and that our way has always been different from theirs. That
this racket that has mounted a political decision has been promoted by UPN and supported by PSN nobody can deny. It is also true interest in Opus Dei University in the purchase of field, then this offer and its proposal for funding.
However, it is justified for the good of the community with a project that looks more like a glittering sign crossroads of VT campus, it seems to loop the loop.
And because we believe in the justification of the project have used half-truths, political statements as the following quote which we here set out:
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