Friday, April 29, 2011

Idylis Air Filter Reviews

theologians Leonardo Polo German and Spanish debates Vatican-church-religion.shtml

This other link is more explicit Hans Küng in his opinion to the contrary by the authoritarianism of John Paul II and Benedict XVI has acted as in this beatification shtml

This style clearly say what one thinks, no half-measures, is far from the English religious commentators. Here we go again the hare and hunt with the hounds, "we will be accused of." We love to mix it up, it makes it all the same, be Hitler to be a victim of Hitler, to be Oscar Romero, killed probably celebrating a Mass commissioned by higher authorities to which bothered his speech for the people and against the power that John Paul II. In Spain all cats are gray. The owl of Minerva take flight not among us, would give a shot from any corner.

I do not understand that after a clairvoyant and reasoned exposition of why not convinced this beatification express line opened by the same beatified with Escrivá, is said to be involved anyway in the Roman revelry. I have no head or body or, if not agree, who is going to applaud?

Last Saturday in a popular program watched as defending management opusinos Ruiz Mateos in front of their businesses. It is understandable that they would not have lost their life savings as a hit that came out, nor will be they who pay the desfalco.Previsible defend him. A reporter referred to the millions of euros that Ruiz Mateos had given to the legionnaires in a fit of "ultracatolicismo." The mention of this word was the trigger for the opusino jump to defend the good name of the church and God, if it were not for them, it would be defenders.
I was funny because I saw myself in my previous life as zombies.

inside I do not know if this man feels what he says, César Sinde is called, but we must recognize that the brainwashing that you suffer from childhood in Opus Dei is so great that efectivamante, we siempre en tensión, dispuestos a saltar a la mínima, como si realmente la existencia de Dios dependiera de la defensa que teníamos que hacer de él ante los demás. ¡Vaya responsabilidades que nos echaban y nos echábamos encima! Si no te lo crees pero saltas porque es la consigna puede que sea menos agobiante, pero cuando te lo has creído como fue mi caso, te sientes investida de una misión divina intransferible, insustituible. Es la responsabilidad de tu vida, dejar siempre a la iglesia en buen lugar. La iglesia depende de tí, ese convencimiento y agresividad de los opusinos es lo que encandila a ciertos obispos. Cada vez más por lo visto.

Por lo tanto te molestas hasta por palabras que son sólo una description and is not intended to offend, because ultra-Catholic that the Legionnaires and those who give millions, not an insult.
The pity is that with so much screaming and not get anything clear in these discussions. I believe the TV call the opusinos because they show. Without the possibility of confrontation down the hearings. In that program knew what appears to be a lawyer and supernumerary Pamplona, \u200b\u200bPaloma Zorrilla, I kept talking to anyone.


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