By Pilar Alberdi The author
David Matthew has kindly answer a short interview on the occasion of the publication of this review. is a point and followed, as fantasy literature is still part of me. "Nights of salt" is a compendium of concerns, thoughts and feelings linked with literature and art. It's another look at a less luminous Valencia, tinged with darkness, which reveals the romance of two people found: Abel and Aurora. Both will face the paranormal as a serial murderer is terrorizing the near future.

Do you see a breakthrough in the domain technique with each novel completed?
Always. Each book is a new opportunity to advance in the method of writing and in form. Although it is true that salt
Nights is more than that: a literary puzzle or two books in parallel. On the one hand the history of Aurora and Abel and the other of Pilate and Patricia. Connect the ends and not step on any plot was extremely complicated, but I think the end result is worth it.
As shown great José Miguel Vilar Bou in the foreword to Night of salt, do you think there will be many readers Valencia and back to the vision offered by your book? Many friends who have read the novel and live in the Old Town of Valencia have agreed with that comment. But the truth is that Valencia is a Gothic city per se, with all those old houses in the Barrio del Carmen and multiracial that variety can be found in the Babylonian Ruzafa. Turia Capital becomes the perfect setting for a thriller full of romance and prosecutions impossible.
Mathewc J.
Writer Bruccoli said that "a writer is his material, and this is so literary as can the writer." "One is literature? I completely agree. I do not think a thing could exist without the other. The writer and his works form an indivisible binomial. I am not close friend of transcribing experiences, but when you put in front of the word processor is inevitable that some of you will slip through the thoughts that arise in the womb. It seems a very wise comment that perfectly defines the relationship between the writer and his most intimate.
What would you say to the readers to buy and read your novel? First and foremost, the novel is different, that we get carried away by the symphony's great, because in the pages of "Nights of salt" is unspeakable horrors, but pure love and deep relationships that can only emerge from the mix of prose and image. That is a thriller full-scale, with a serial murderer Hannibal Lecter and the passages as ruthless as those found in "Seven", but that fit in with chapters full of humor and romance. Is the novel that a server has always wanted to read.
Thanks David.
Thank you, Pilar.
. By: Pilar Alberdi
"Books are the only men's confessors' . (Nights of salt) David Matthew
salt Nights
David Matthew, the cover illustration and design Alejandro Colucci cover over the words of Jose Miguel Pallares: "The great Castilian has few essential novels, and this is one of them." To these are added, the prologue Vou José Vilar, who also closes the back, with the following words: "Noches de Sal, a novel that can be tender and cruel, intense and light, right and wrong, always surprising and bold. Always rising from the possible to the mind-boggling. Under real dirtiest corners of the city are hiding spaces for the imagination, dazzling and evocative scenes. I do not know what the reaction will cause salt Nights others. I at least I can not see as he saw Valencia before.. " Amidst an exquisite hardcover volume with double deck, you'll quickly admire. It is evident the good work of Susana Eevee correction and layout of Sergio Mars.
The book is dedicated to the author's father. first thing I would highlight this work of David Matthew, is her talent to pursue the story, and structure in chapters that collect past and present of the players as if they were parallel stories that are growing in intensity.
This is a reader-writer, who also understands literary theory and in each new project is moving aggressively to beat the previous. Although he has said in one of the answers to questions I did in the interview that have had occasion to read is something that is perceived immediately. The book is surpassing himself, and after a strong start, which is smoother motion, music tragic mark the stages of this book push us to hear, again and again, until the end, though, sometimes we invite a couple romantic dance, and others, is a huge cry of grief distressing and difficult human interpretation ... The writer is very good at this, and will not let us close the book, except that we take a break until the last and final. Trapped, this is what makes salt
Nights. Have us trapped as they are the protagonists in this challenging frontier that separates the known from the unknown, the forces of good of evil. Hence we collect with enthusiasm and winks to other classic authors and even famous characters created by them, making the wealth contained in the evocation of a name, still has more symbolic.
But I will persist and literary references are examples on pages 151 and 159: "Do you think Abel, there is a world more perfect than describing Frost, Auster, Borges Benedetti?" "Books are the only confessors men "" The imagination: the key leaves behind reality and allows us to cross the Book of Dreams "and all this among used books and people working on the renovation and preservation of the oldest in a city where, shown as does David Matthew, the Gothic binds to the modern, and alleys dead sigh of moisture to the gleaming bridges across the River.
When one is in front of a reader-writer, knows that just always learning something new. Because taken from his imagination, produced stories with meaning, whose ideas may not appear at the hearing, but behind the plot. This time, she has come to Valencia to be the queen of this story, and David Matthew
puts in front of a mirror, the fantastic English, to the amazement of their fellow citizens.
For those who are not of the city of Turia, but once we walked the streets, a discovery was the finding in this data book of an ancient literary academy founded by the famous Bernardo de Valeriola Catalá and the existence of palace where members gathered. Literary and scientific movements that were not exclusively of the village, but gradually came around the territory. And from these figures, the authors stress particularly one aimed at a dance at the foot of gruesome murderer.
research, the background work that appears after spontaneous, reflecting the ability of David Matthew to make his own and then look natural, learned during the process of preparing the book, both pharmacology and medicine and psychology. Names theories, forms of therapy, to surgery with total efficiency and knowledge. Perhaps someone fooled and think that anyone can do it, but not so easy. I said at the time Blaise Pascal: "The best books are those who read them believe that they too could have written them." But the truth is that in these 550 pages is hard work and dedication to a book project that must, by its own characteristics, be a difficult burden to carry for some time. Most young characters that make up this work, are people willing to take on the world. Are in this age of fast connections and ruptures easily, yet remain condemned to live together this dramatic story to the end. If they had not discovered before, understand the terrible forces that prevail beyond the known, and that can affect their lives. Also show that spontaneity, that blind faith, naive, innocent in his good luck and happy destiny, and of course, vital and sexual desire for his age. On the other hand, talking and psychological traits, the storyteller will show men who do not hide their weaknesses, a lone police always know as much or less than the readers, and that is shielded from her loneliness after a haughty machismo layer which serves to disguise his life and them women, strong show, with an interest in taking forward a profession which guarantees independence, but by no means be left out of loneliness, heartbreak, and loss of youth. Although there are the weaker characters that will become stronger. "Patricia took off the rubber he picked up the queue and let the hair flowing with vitality. He returned a smile to the waiter. The aura of golden tresses contrasted with the shadows around her. Some customers on the bar turned to her. Patricia felt the old queen of the end of year party who, having failed in life, languishes with her beauty in seedy slums "(...)¿ Patri remains of that cheerful and optimistic? Only one controller squeezed by the bureaucracy. " David Matthew
endorses the city of Valencia, and puts a mirror in front of fantastic, where the horrific premium, but where romance is also abundant, and where the most diverse genera find their accommodation, and for that matter, is, addition to other merits literary, attractive and suggestive. And it's clear that without certain amount of terror, this work could reach a greater audience. While there, where the author places the most disturbing terror, also shines with its own merits more delicate poetry:

dancing in the last words the game repetitive consonants, the d, r. .. And phonetic resources are much greater in the words of the psychopath, the exterminator, up to a point where only the beginning of a sentence, which emphasize a type of call paranomasia políptoton, and that was very own song XV century English, bristling with the beauty of our arms, will alter our pulse and our senses alert, at the same time or more than the characters. There is also a store selling used books, a diary of a young woman headed a curious name, a story whose main character is a writer ... And some illustrations. And as time passes, we also feel the changes stations, and observe closely what the Buddha was denied and he also had to learn to see, as young people learn in this story, the creepy presence, and always tragic: the senseless violence, pain physical and psychological, poverty, disease and death.
This reading is easy and does not lead to confusion despite being defined in two days, I tasted the pleasure of seeing some faces through a fair and accurate description as it gets, David Matthew, in some passages. The secretary of the editor of a newspaper says, "a big woman toothed squirrel and calculating look," and a male character "He had an air to John McClane, but instead of being a survivor of skyscrapers threatened by terrorists, was a castaway who had managed to stay afloat between immoral conceit directors and journalists armed with the knife of Judas"
There are also religious language, almost old, looks pristine, pouting, suspicions, spellbound eyes, living with a more prosaic. So that when we read that "the rain hit the glass with a maddening reluctance," a few lines before or after and in the XXI century, we are told that the Thai dancer Alicia wore "lace corselet, a thong who drew the profile of their English and stockings that ran inch by inch endless legs. " There
eloquent descriptive successes like the arrival of light and sun into a corner of the city, with all its hope and peace against a gloomy night, and the narrator describes as "the last yawning in the street" or noise that we hear about, always electrifying, speakers from the hospital that "sizzle the name" of a loved one is in the emergency room or a family member. And no doubt many times have we seen that way, and shudder.
salt Nights
David Matthew, could have contained more or less terror, romance or fiction, according to individual taste, but what can be seen safely, is the literary quality and expertise of the author.
And now, take heart, if you are brave, to come into this story ...
salt Nights:
Aurora, at age eleven, was marked by the tragic circumstances of the death of his mother in a traffic accident. Since then, he remains imprisoned in an apartment in the Rue de The Night of Valencia, chained to old faces from his childhood and ghostly creatures born of his own psychosis.
Abel, a young illustrator who works for the provinces and that studies medicine at the University, comes to her through a common passion: writing. Art and inspiration consummated an atypical relationship between them. What neither of the two suspects, is that this relationship will bring terrible consequences in the distant future that will affect the people they love most. A novel of terror thriller format divided into two time lines. A group of women will face a serial murderer, whose criminal methodology has led him to receive the nickname of Pilate. An entity that spread terror through the streets of Valencia Gothic ends up becoming a character in the story.
Tab Technical
Title: Noches de Sal Author: David Matthew Cover: Prima Epica Prologue: José Miguel Vilar-Bou Price: € 22.60
Size: 23 x 16 Cm. Hardcover with jacket
Pages: 560
ISBN: 978-84-15156-11-6
The Author: David
. Valencia, 1976. Author of fantasy novels. It has eight titles from its repertoire: Niche
The Last Dragon,
Crossroads, salt
Nights, Heir alchemy, dead meat, the young adult novel Whispering Forest and collection of stories Wicked. Collaborating film magazine Scifiworld and several newspapers in the Comunidad Valenciana. In 2009 published the illustrated book Valencia CF, XE bo which performs a dynamic light-hearted look at the nearly hundred-year history of the institution of Valencia. He works as a catalyst sociocultural and literary events manager for various public and private entities. Founding member of NIGHT , The English Association of Writers of Terror, has directed two magazines devoted to fantasy literature and over 2011 works will begin to be published in the francés.r market, has led two magazines devoted to fantasy literature and over 2011 his works begin to be published in the French market. Link page SWAT Group.
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