Forza Italia and Opus Dei
Berlusconi On the relationship of the Opus Dei, as we know from long Our Italian friend Gabriela. She put some good links where Berlusconi explained that since his student in Milan participated in the residence of the Opus Dei, where he met another man opusino Dell'Utri. Both started a football team. If you look on the label Dell'Utri can get to that story of relationship Berlusconi - Opus Dei. There's even a YouTube video of Italian TV program in which embraces and defends Berlusconi Dell'Utri. Dell'Utri has been accused of mafia, and those were when Berlusconi welcomes and defends. 3.39 minute is when he says about the Opus Dei as a guarantee that Dell'Utri is great. From 5 min Travaglio journalist answered the "defense" that has made Berlusconi.
Travaglio, journalists as he did not have in Spain, take out the hounds truths underneath all the leaves of fibs and half-truths of our establishment. Being a freelance, I think it's impossible here. Travaglio
opusino clarified that the concerned Dell'Utri is one of the founding fathers of Forza Italia, Berlusconi and therefore can not drop into the jail, ran Dell'Utri risk at that time.
Ferrucio Pinoti Italian journalist who wrote a book of interviews with former members of Opus Dei in 2006 also had news of Berlusconi contacts with Escrivá and Alvaro del Portillo, but I do not remember what business story. So the Italian Justice Minister is in the same vein, he also Opus Dei was contacted by his student in Milan, and now it is no longer a student but minister gets along with Opus and I chaired acts. I do not think it does because the Opus Dei Rosary prayed much and made the five-day retreats in strict silence. That kind of thing does not appeal to people moving in the spheres of government and aims to president of a republic. Why did not understand before? when I was a numerary when a great of this world came to an event organized at the Opus, for example at the University of Navarra in the universe, always thought it was "our moral standing and our values."
For those who follow religious news, there is a famous monastery of Lerma, where There are zillions of young women who have professed as nuns, headed by such a sister Veronica, hence being called the veroniquesas. It seems a new springtime of religious life, they are even thinking of bishops in their dioceses to carry them ... etc, etc. Not fully understood the reason why if the Poor Clares convent was Sister Veronica is such that order has been abducted, we have removed the convent, and has its own order.
In Time magazine I've found the testimonies of women who were there and have gone through the usual blanched: cancellation of thought and the person, enthusiasm and false sentimentality, unnecessarily negative view of the world outside the convent, threats to which you want to go, fear of which has gone to give his name .... An Opus Dei for nuns, what we lacked. Not only do nothing against which it is expanding the model. Opus Dei
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