You know I'm not much given to advertise but when something deserves to be mentioned or I liked it because I like to share with you and like I did with Lena Velenti and Vanir Saga with which I strongly recommend enganchadisima and I wanted to do the same with the author that I discovered just recently, perhaps many of you @ s and you know it, but hey , it is Nalini Singh has dazzled me with his book sereies ISPs / Changing the first delivery is The Night of the Hunter and has starring Lucas and Sascha Duncan Hunter, two characters who belong to two completely opposite worlds and odds over who will be born a great attraction. Then I leave the review of the book and its cover:

Sasha Duncan is a psi, but there is something different about her, can feel, you should not have emotions and fears that someone will discover the secret hard to hide, especially when she meets Lucas Hunter. On seeing the need to unleash the wealth of emotions that comes in it becomes intensely complicated, your mind tells you to check any reaction that might reveal, but his heart pushes the opposite side.
Luke Hunter is the alpha DarkRiver clan, is a shifting will try to enter the network of Psi to find the murderer who is killing his people. For this you need to Sasha and his original intention is to use it without remorse. She seems to be a cold woman like all the race, but Lucas will soon change their minds when they start to flower feelings and discover that it is something mutual. Sasha will have no choice but to release all those emotions imprisoned in his body and his mind, because her feelings for Lucas is too strong to ignore. Their relationship will be transformed, she must get used to feel, to the breathtaking presence of the man who is falling in love and their need to be herself and stop hiding to be free. Leave the world of the Psi will help you see their emotions as natural and beautiful, the relationship established with the family of the changing and especially Lucas, will also discover some details of the past that will clarify some of the doubts that torment.
The second installment
but does not leave until June 2011 and titled The Night of the Jaguar and promises
be as exciting and addictive as the first. The
third no date title but still, Ice Pats.
The other highlight of Nalini work is the fallen angel, which is a novel of the Hunters' Guild and has already become the best seller Like our beloved Lena (had to mention something lol that is co-author land and novel revelation of its kind) and is edited by DeBolsillo which cover review and then I leave you with brief information about the author (the second delivery is the kiss of Archangel):
In a world inhabited by archangels, angels, vampires, and human hunters, Elena

is a cream jacket, is stronger than a normal human has a more developed sense of smell, which enables you to trace and capture a vampire.
is the best thing, so when the archangel Rafael assigned the mission to capture one of their own, Elena must accept, knowing it will be a possible death sentence, it will know much more of these powerful beings than any other hunter has ever known. Rafael is increasingly intrigued by this hunter who dares question their methods. He has lived long enough to know that when you hand someone who is fascinated, not to release ...
Nalini Singh has entered the small group of great writers of paranormal romance and urban fantasy, as Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, JR Ward, Christine Feehan Patricia Briggs and-thanks to the series Psi / Changing, that started with this novel: Night of the Hunter. With this saga and the Hunters' Guild, Nalini Singh has climbed to bestseller lists in the United States, Britain and Germany, has won numerous awards of gender and, above all, the favor of readers.
Nalini Singh was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. Lived in Japan for three years, during which he took the opportunity to travel and see other Asian countries. He has worked as a lawyer, librarian, English teacher at a candy factory and a bank, not necessarily in that order. Currently residing in New Zealand and is dedicated exclusively to writing.
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