you send me the interview Navarro Valls, a real rollazo. I just prepared a post on how to not let it investigate the case of a triple murder that occurred in the Vatican in 1998. They also speak of his dictatorship and exclusion of journalists from the papal trip so it was not were similar. Without you shake your pulse. A perfect opusino, tyrant, liar who goes above dandy, essayist, writer and not know what else. But good in this country after what happened with the Ruiz Mateos navigation in a second small savers have entrusted him again and have lost their savings of his life, says it all. We swallow the milongas opusinas alone, with milk and as third.
I stopped along the way Noel's suggestion on this shady deal capped at the Vatican in the glorious days of cash Navarro Valls. It was in May 1998. I remember reading something about "The Power and the Glory" by David Yallop. What most shocked of the story of three was shot dead by the mother of the alleged criminal who committed suicide after killing a Swiss guard and his wife was not at all agree with the version that gave the Vatican of the facts . But despite their struggles this lady was unable to move an inch the official version.
The story woven to make a comparable version of what happened suggests that the Vatican once again hiding the truth. This time the opusino Navarro Valls was directly responsible for the concealment
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Swiss Guard |
According to the official was a "fit of madness" out Cédric Tornay vice that led him to enter the apartment of Alois Estermann, the newly appointed commander of the Swiss Guard, and his wife Gladys Meza Romero. Marriage and then shot himself. This marriage without children were known as close to Opus Dei. In 15 minutes Navarro Valls went to the scene of triple murder and gave the version that did not move an inch after the sham investigation conducted by the prosecutor Nicola Picardi, which is like saying the Vatican itself.
evidence were capped, they deceived the mother of Cedric Tornay, the alleged "murderer crazy, pressing it to not to go to Rome for the funeral of his son, was told that the Pope's call, to wait in the hotel, lie. The woman was Rome not to give him a satisfactory explanation, to the great farces woven from above by the Vatican to ordinary people has nothing to do. Under its "extraterritoriality", the Vatican is the place for all sorts of crimes and covers them. In essence, just as Jesus of Nazareth preached.
Tornay's mother, Muguette Baudat hired two lawyers in 2005 to carry the case and investigate the murder according to the Swiss judicial system. A year later Mugette Baudat still did not know the truth, as long as there have been strange deaths in which the Vatican is involved: Calvi, John Paul I. ...
wove a web of lies, threats to fellow Swiss guard suspected criminal, they invented a glorious past as a defender of the pope Estermann day the attack in 1981, he earned a funeral in St. Peter's in style chaired by Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano. That of course crazy, Tornay, was held in the little church of Santa Ana, and the celebrated Swiss bishop begged God's forgiveness for him for what he did.
Things unclear crime: who Estermann was on the phone when it was the murderer? the handset is hung. Why are the first witnesses who came said they had four cups of wine and those glasses disappeared just as the first pictures taken by an official of the Vatican? Why not sought help from Italian authorities for autopsy? Why were fired at the ambulance arrived to transport the bodies to the Gemelli Polyclinic? Why not call any medical or within or outside the Vatican? Why they moved the bodies to the morgue at midnight by members of the Vatican Swiss Guard? How could he know in 15 minutes Navarro Valls "truth" of the case and have the "moral certainty" without any police investigation of what happened?
Especially when it did not protect the crime scene, no fingerprints were lifted, or entered a pathologist. Minutes after the three deaths and around the apartment were a mess of onlookers, monsignors and diverse people. The descriptions of the varying position of the bodies suggesting they had been moved.
Estermann seems that this had made life impossible for the subordinate Tornay, preventing him from getting a medal given to the Swiss Guards at three years of being there. But of that bad relationship Navarro Valls said nothing. Tornay said only that he was not recognized in his work and that nobody could foresee what eventually happened. It was the unstable nature of Tornay that exploded without logic that led to losing his temper.
was also a letter Tornay his family at that time Navarro Valls did not want to reveal the content and your family if you would see it appropriate. But the letter confirming the "true version." Another white lie about anything: Navarro himself had leaked a bad translation from French into Italian of the letter.
At one point, "went" Navarro with makeup, to emphasize that the three bodies were fully clothed. There is speculation fired, had they been caught Gladys C. Tornay by the husband? or given that the Vatican is not rare "homosexual relationship the two guards were lovers? The very strangeness of the Navarro version is that if Tornay killed Estermann had decided, no sense or phone the woman's death.
In another book I can not remember now explained in more detail the trajectories of the bullets that made them think that there was a fourth star in this crime.
In this story there is a constant of all make up opusinos: the culprit chosen by them, que no demostrado por ninguna policía ni juez, estaba mal de la cabeza.
Si dijeran la verdad, esa verdad que tanto proclaman al mundo sobre la esencia, el destino del hombre y la moral que nos lleva a cumplir con la vocación a la que Dios nos llamó, el pueblo no nos daríamos tanto a la novelería.
Pero siempre están ocultando e inventando ¿qué quieren?
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