a shame what has Noelia de Navarra and political support some schools, whose primary function, I do not tire of repeating, is to recruit young celibate Opus Dei. And that is increasingly difficult. Especially when you have little eyes on his face shows that the supernumerary luster and money are not usually distinguished by having children tenured. See Ruiz Mateos or Cervera, of which we have spoken, or Serrano Gamez in Jaén. Not a numerous, is suspect, because they are homes that have been nursed and breathed the Opus Dei from the womb. Many of these supernumerary shoots listened to the first circles, meditations, lectures in the womb. Everything was Opus Dei in his life. It seems that so many levels, the vaccination has to fall into the nets. We drop the unwary.
that I will not speak of dragons ... Intereconomía laughing at us. Escrivá Neither film is real and what are the left nor the right to leave. Go snafu propaganda, for which of course, not be predicted, we see it, no historian will speak English. It's funny how strictly speaking English historians of contemporary history circumvent this issue. There, it is a short reference, but do not inquire, nor want nor can "?
Vidal i Barraquer (1868-1943), the cardinal who died in exile for failing to recognize the Franco regime |
pertenencientes historians themselves Opus Dei not address the issue. I mean, José Andrés Gallego, Luis Suarez, Vicente Carcel Orti. Javier Tusell, the latter say it was temporary, so I think something Opus. And the famous Santos Juliá, not that I know the question is why did he has a brother priest of the most remote cash? nobody will answer this question. And the Gortázar Garcia, a Jesuit? "Not" bear "? Where is the scientific monograph, historically illuminating spoiled by all this darkness?
is like a shadow, dark area in our century. They talk about religious persecution in the republic and the like, but do not talk about Opus Write, Escriva, and the final Escrivá Balaguer, is there no documentation? Estruch and warned that rebuilding the Opus Dei is like a detective game. At some points on tracks, others have deleted all. Historians should be aware, they do their work seriously, what the Opus Dei has of himself are "highlights" very accessible to the methods of historical verification. You can not do serious history on the basis of anecdotes, corrected and expanded with each passing year, every year course. I guess they must make a very important trial stopped in such historians as numerary or supernumerary when attending a talk show for the umpteenth time you hear the "anecdotes." Sorry
to continue with my historical rolls. But I know what were the roles, objectives proposed by the Catholic Action youth and young people during the English civil war
In the 20's during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera AC have a well integrated, with Primate of Reig. The laity were the "partners in the hierarchical apostolate of the church." So after many twists and turns has become the Opus Dei Prelature staff on the Code of Canon Law 1983, a hierarchical struture made of priests, headed by a bishop, in which lay people collaborate.
also that AC had four branches: hombrs, women, male youth, female youth. This is decided in November. 1929. As Escriva's Opus, men san gabriel, san gabriel women, men san rafael, san rafael women. And the mission was re-Christianization religious methods. And I thinking I in 1985 the new evangelization of Europe as a great idea of \u200b\u200bJohn Paul II! everything was very old, but we are a country of uneducated, ignorant ... and can be passed through the rage the most archaic.
Pius XI proclaimed apolitical Catholic Action, which did not amount to political inhibition. Enter saying the same thing himself, apolitical. That was the novedosísima Opus dei contribution to the life of the church.
JI Herrera Oria for the Republic as a more discreet place, Vidal i Barraquer was then the first, had been attacked by the more right-wing church maneuvered unsuccessfully to throw it to Rome.
CA Since 1933 acofensionalismo practiced. The Propagandists, today's opusinos arm, is take control of Catholic unions. Angel Oria Herrra sets out the objectives of the new Catholic Action: summer school, Univ. Catholic formation of priests who travel to parishes that people point to BC, visit the AC of Belgium, Italy ... a little opening to the outside. AC member was done with AC card, the money will cover the emerging bureaucracy of the organization.
Cardinal Angel Herrera Oria (1886-1968) |
And the war came to what I have "killed him."
When conflict breaks out the AC is set to Franco, the religious persecution reaffirms the commitment, and before the bishops bless the new savior of the eternal Spain, it was a crusade. Not a military rebellion against a system democratic legitimacy. Even today, this last point, it is noted a lot. Not for nothing were educated in the anti-Republican propaganda of Franco's regime, even the democratic left has played. But I get distracted.
turns out that the Catholic Youth was a recruitment tool for Franco in Burgos. And the commands of these young people that they would defend Catholicism were: prayer and piety with proselytizing zeal. Exactly what I was taught and I taught. Only half a century that there was no war in Spain.
apostolic also influence the youth of Catholic Action in the front would the first step towards spiritual and religious conquest of youth to be followed by military conquest. On the front it was to bring together young people from BC to enhance their religious and apostolic practice.
But the girls did not go to war. What were they doing? What did we do? Do what we did for hours? which were in the Marxist (not Republican) acts of mercy, Masses, Retreats, Fitness, Blessed Candles, Holy Thursday Monument (I still remember the day prayed that I do not know how many churches where you were finding Pamplona with them and with them, pray pray you also visits to celebrate their holy ....) study circles, kinds of propaganda, go to jail (that I have not done), sew in closets (opusina activity for women), raising funds for needy priests. So passed in 1938 for young Catholics.
In short, I lived through the war without knowing it. Instill the mentality that you spend all day for prayer is one of war, and so strict obedience and submission which they live, are also accepted by the mentality of war to reconquer the world for Christ. As if based on sackcloth, Hail Mary and masses would change the world. Which by the way, they are the first to know that this is not the secret of his power. And it out bank accounts! and stay only with her rosary in hand ... and see what happens.
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