José María Marcos, writer and editor of the editorial
Bite Dead has been kind enough to interview me and include a review of Emerald Land
Insomnia, which is well known by lovers of the works of Stephen King
, whose study devotes many of its pages. José María Marcos, provides help in Other Worlds section, where he has interviewed and released the work of people so important to the great Argentine and Liliana Bodoc . OTHER WORLDS. Insomnia Magazine. By José María Marcos
Pilar Alberdi's World "The great thing is a look differently about our world. "
- When did you start writing? What you remember essential stimuli for this home? The first poem I wrote for twelve years and published in a English magazine. Before that, I remember that primary school I was very interested Platero and I by Juan Ramón Jiménez. And a couple of years before writing the poem cited above, I read in an encyclopedia in installments that could be bought in Argentina, a Japanese haiku that read something like: 'at the last moment, / a gesture of piety, / do not forget. "were the words of an emperor to a soldier. About the same time, I read an excerpt from The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway impressed me deeply. The effort of the old man to achieve his goal, and child support seemed overwhelming. And I was trapped, yes, forever in the literature. If I start thinking about my life, I would say that these two texts, and many others, but those two in particular come to have special significance.
- Why did you choose the fantastic as a mode of expression? Luckily in Argentina (I live in Spain for many years) could read authors such as Quiroga, Borges ... That was required reading in high school. At that time I also read The Martian Chronicles Fahrengheit and Ray Bradbury. Apart from poems, one of the first books I wrote science fiction stories contained. I think that the fantastic is a different perspective on our world, nothing more.
- What issues worry you and recurrence appear in your work?
This question, José María, is for people who know very well, and the same to his work. Try to answer you. In the ethics: I am concerned about injustice, it hurts me immensely to some people, groups, nations, may have on others. I lived the era of dictators in Argentina, and that made me appreciate democracy, despite its flaws either. Life it is my unquestionable value, and I believe we are here to learn. Culturally, I think the legacy handed down from one generation to another, through the objects, the symbols ... It is so valuable that is transmitted with the words ... - What are the differences between writing for adults and for children or teenagers?
Hans Christian Andersen said he was trying to write an idea, but written for adults and children. Yes, I think so.
- What authors have influenced you and whom you admire?
many lines would need to answer this question. Chinese and Japanese poets; Greek and Latin authors collected antique Oriental anonymously in The Thousand and One Nights or modern as Khalil Gibran, I have a special preference for the Greek poet Cavafy, by Hispanic and English, and Russian writers like Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dovstoievski ; Americans like Melville, Steimbek, Cheever, While Carter, Katherine Anne Porter, Flannery O'Connor, Salinger, French and of Saint Exupery, Colette, Duras Margaritte, Karen Blixen's Danish ... The English Mery Shelley, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, EM Forster. My admiration is for all those named and those not, because I have life experiences that I otherwise would not have had, especially in my childhood, adolescence and youth, and because I have learned with them a large part of what life is.
- What books have you scored?
Those who read in adolescence, no doubt. Tales of love, madness, and death of Horacio Quiroga, I was shocked. In particular, the tale of the chicken slaughtered. A common practice in the past, but that led to the context in which it shows the author, is thrilling. She was a teenager and yes, that book struck me. And Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, because many times the other one, and when you understand this, there is an impressive open-mindedness. Also The Little Prince de Saint Exupery, and the Colonel one writes Gabriel García Márquez; all read about the same time.
- What is the place of literature in your life?
I wonder what would happen if you gave back to the question: what is the place your life in literature? I think so, I see more clearly the answer. My place is tiny, not even know if something I write will be for the future. I enjoyed it, I have served to stimulate my imagination and the people around me.
- How important are competitions and prizes in your career?
have been an incentive.
- Do you remember when and how it began to take shape the universe of the Lands of Esmeralda? Can you explain how it has been the creation process? Yes, I wrote in 2008. That year I wrote several books to teenagers. Some were unfinished, waiting for better times. Others, like butterfly wings, the just released English Editorial Casals, for his label Bamboo. In all mixing realism and fantasy. In the case of Esmeralda-La Land of magic sphere, the search for a suitable environment led me by the very ideas that he wished to convey, to seek a court epic fantasy world that had echoes of classical Greek world. In addition, the female characters of girls and girls have a prominent role, at least as much as boys. And as you said the synopsis is the story of the Three Kingdoms, the three libraries against the dark world of Ténebrus and his henchmen, "where a book is worth a library, and a person like them all."
I think the most difficult part of writing any book is to find the right environment, then as soon as possible make some other characters emerge out of necessity. I always wonder if they are alive enough. If I feel that they are, who are credible, I move on.
Write to me is not putting one word after another. Precise controlling one or more ideas, say the subplot, the background. And I am committed to the philosophy of the need to "create excitement and keep it" as Gertrude Stein said the writer and film director Hitchcock.
- Your degree in psychology influenced the creation of this world?
No. I was already a writer before he graduated in psychology. Although being a therapist trained in family constellations and other therapies, allows me to better understand the influence of one culture over another, from one generation over the next, or people in the family or parental relationship. It's something I welcome.
- Do the circumstances of the series refers to a historical period or today? We can say
there is a gathering of journalists that are not as they were in reality but is recalled: the classical and medieval, and perhaps my love of science fiction, we find that past objects that remind us of those present. In that sense, Egregius vetulus, which as a demiurge knows and acts on the space-time, I served this purpose. I do not know if it would be fair to speak of a ucronia.
-Spain has a long tradition of writers turned over to the fantasy genre. How do you see this scenario? Are there other writers who grow it? Is there interest among the readers? Does the publishing market?
is true that there is a long sustained tradition from the very orality, consider the stories of "witches", in apparitions, in the giant's own folk tales, or recognized as Becquer authors and legends. Other twentieth-century Roxlo Nale, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, Cunqueiro, and, of course, current. No doubt, there is a major Arab base, but on the other side is the European tradition and derived from the old Anglo Norman deeds, and stories that have been arriving from East and Africa.
Personally I think the English fantasy (horror, epic fantasy, science fiction) lives a good time.
In my case, I am very grateful to Epic Worlds publisher to accept in its catalog Esmeralda-La Land magic sphere.
"We notice that you're a writer very restless, curious and connected with your readers. Your blogs have helped to further communication with them? Even
hopefully help me a lot more in the future, but I recognize that I'm interested in others .. I like to know how they are, why they think how they think. And, of course, I enjoy reading the works of other writers who are on the network, and if I have time, also reviews.
- What have been the first repercussions of the emergence of Emerald Earth. The magic sphere?
It is still early to give an opinion. The epic world publisher currently has a very good distribution and soon we will know results. Think not yet a month ago that went on sale, and now I arrive the first comments from readers, among them are many professors, it seems that they are liking the work.
- Can you anticipate how many books make up the saga? Do you have other projects to fruition? This book is autoconclusivos
, but the idea is to continue with more stories. In fact, I have pretty late in the second book, and those who have already read the story I can say that I'm me having a great time with teenagers who are heading for the Blue Mountains.
Among the projects that have materialized in recent days, is the publication of wings into the editorial Casals, Bamboo label. In addition, I look forward to be more concrete issues that are ongoing and could lead to new publications.
Esmeralda-La Land of magic sphere.
Review by José María Marcos
Emerald Land. Magic Sphere (Worlds Epic Publishing Group, 2011), Pilar Alberdi, auspiciously inaugurates a narrative universe that joining a long tradition, provides elements that are worth highlighting. Enrolling in the current
known as heroic fantasy, and aimed at a teenage audience, the book successfully fulfills the requirements of the genre, showing original fantastic and mythological creatures like the mysterious noctiluca, the evil Arácknee or Qheimera old and tired, in a medieval setting, with a strong magical and epic.
Wasting no time, the narrator's voice-in-announces Fidelius type readers who will be attending the birth privileged Emerald Land (or the lineage of smaragdos), known as the Three Kingdoms (Mytos, Circe and Artemis), the three lineages (Smaragd, Akhéetes and Rubin) and the three libraries. Then warns that these lands arose from fear Ténebrus race of which, like the great despots do not support knowledge and, therefore, have destroyed all books at your fingertips, repeating a sad practice that can be found from time when the emperor ruled China Qin Shi Huang (in the year 212 BC) until the late twentieth century in Nazi Germany or the Chilean and Argentine dictatorships.
After outlining the main lines of this battle between good and evil, with a strong symbolic and where a book can change the destiny of humanity, Fidelius reveals that "it is therefore the history of early settlers and the girl who gave birth to the legend and then became a princess and later queen."
Then the scribe introduces other characters, who are gaining importance as are the pages, thus forming a choral work that attempts to show that the most profound transformations are achieved through the summation of small noble deeds. And this is something that readers enjoy, because every action is the central story, and even the jailer gibbus-alienated and degraded by Lupus Ténebrus forces-can be key to the victory of good. Furthermore
part, and in contrast to the traditional male dominance in these adventures, the author provides very strong female characters, such as Emerald own who must reject or accept their fate in the days to come, and Agatha and her sisters Ruby, who will begin a long march along the old Egregius vetulus Magus, a magician who knows maybe its main mission is not to create wonders supernatural, but to propose dialogue Rhéetores Council as a way of consensus to build a common destiny. Nor need the brave young at heart and that girls can fall in love: in this case it is Akótlythos, who falls prey to the castle, manages to flee, and boy becomes a common reference point and a fundamental part of the undertaking. Among the infamous Arácknee stands, with its spider spies, and the corrupt and petty Shadow, servile merchant tyrant. And more, of course. In the introduction, Fidelius says that "this story is a continuation of others and anticipating the next." Readers will surely take note of these words, for the Emerald Land. Magic Sphere is a valuable work by reading the key relationships in fantastic and also the proposal for a future that his readers will appreciate Kéleuthos following the path of "one for which peers belong together."
Note: here the interview and review. The section typically includes a sample on how to write the authors, also includes my story "The seeker of forms", which was a finalist in the 8 th International Competition of micro story Fantasy Miniature 2010.
So writes Pilar Alberdi

got up at dawn. And he began to move across the meadow. Before leaving invented a wall, a mirror, some furniture, a cup of coffee and a door. After a side road and a meadow. Saw fit to make a fence and a gate in the fence. It seemed appropriate to create a person. And that the person does not feel alone placed next to another and between them a smaller creature: a girl. And it does not feel alone, created another child and both a dog and the dog gave a cat, cat and mouse, and it was multiplying life. He smiled at his first snail. The bottom of the horizon
invited to build mountains. And they put snow peaks.
After creating heaven, provided there clouds, a sun, even rain, and left some stars painted in white on top so that they might see at night. Then by who knows what new joy, crazy and strange, with a firm hand placed a hot air balloon and on the edge of a bird cage and other flying farther. And even a plane to one side. And after being able to create all that and more still call Chalk, chalk simply nothing more than chalk.
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