He escapes the magic between your fingers
the harsh reality is only
tedious routine and hateful,
mental and physical exhaustion
you consume every day
to get home.
let you down on the sofa and think
What did I do with my life?
What were the dreams etenía qu?
What happened to the illusion?
you made adult and obligations
society like a boa constrict you.
Win money, have a position,
marry, have children, pay the mortgage, consume ...
How many false guise of moral hypocrisy,
much taxation and muffled voices.
Nobody gets up and,
any song rises,
all go to one are
scoring with his feet shackled
the same way one day at sunrise.
and scream with all your strength
per behind the walls of self
nobody hears your voice or values \u200b\u200byour tears,
or efforts or ideas everything dies
as the wheel moves swelling
the coffers of this absurd human creation.
Live life as if it were the last minute,
your breath will not freeze
your heart does not stop beating
and your laughter to brighten your face
appreciates the little things that are worth
and do not distress yourself over trifles,
live and be happy without hurting others.
Life is a journey not know which end of the journey, so seize the opportunity with intensity.
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