Eugenio Trias |
Born in 1942 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bEugenio Trias has already received the award for his career philosophical Nietzsche, among many other awards. A thoughtful man as it is unusual to a lot between us. I would call a "man iceberg" around the world in him, in culture, thought, reflection and very expressive ... it is. On youtube there is a video for it wants to know vis a vis. According
considered for entry into the Opus Dei played a key role of the mother. With 18 years Trias had a philosophical culture, literary, musical and film enviable. It's more of a large family, the son of a lawyer well-placed Barcelona. Marco social class, gender, education to explain the different observed experience that we had in Opus Dei. Written 40 years after the events, with a social and professional recognition that many lacked when we met in the street after a youth spent the whole.
At 18 I had read all the literature contemporary Kafka, Sartre, Camus, Sacristán and attended film clubs, the Catholic faith had taught him eventually fade. He stopped going to church. His mother took him on the sidelines, it was very bad example for his brothers. He mounted a crying scene included, no arguments, just emotional blackmail. He felt so bad for his son for failing to take the Brown Scapular and have stopped attending Mass Eugenio decided to give it another chance to Catholicism.
gut the stage for streamlined communication, but I highly recommend these confessions of our time. Maternal tears, appeal to the deepest feelings, love everything child feels toward normal circumstances that gave life ... only channel through which more than one has come Opus Dei so hard after starting the soul.
cinema club, the school most of the same name in the hands of Opus Dei, was then the most competent of the city. Early 60's. There he found a "new religion", unlike the Jesuits learned in his school. Already discussed in this blog as "novel" and little different from the Opus Dei. But in this world care about appearances rather than the true essence of something.
Eugene said, if things Opus movie was so good too sure it was in things of salvation. I'm surprised upon arrival to Opus Dei through the 7 th art, 20-year-numerary not stepped on a film, and I remember my surprise when I discovered unexpectedly at age 16 internal memo that said: "numeraries and added to the cinema, the theater or public performances. " God's ways are infinite.
Eugenio Trias was a retreat in Tiana, a village in Maresme, 15 km from Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin a house called Castelldaura. I was struck by the insistence not unlike the heinous sin of the Jesuits from his childhood. The usual: the Opus Dei did not require robe, uniform, had to leave the profession, could continue as a student and told him that had everything: filmmakers who?, artists (painters of their homes), engineers, architects (many in fact), bankers, 2 or 3 ministers (there were more)
the book Way just liked it: "put Christ at the summit of all human activities." Would have to see what each one we interpreted and that Opus Dei interprets and understands how to put Christ at the summit. Moreover, the book was unbearable, authoritarian, foul language, and a fascist mentality. All missed. Just one sentence and that he cared about was one of the most controversial and dangerous phase of his life.
cash was from spring 1960 to spring 1963. Your life stage of cash to "priest" (celibacy, delivery of goods, obedience) so the judging secular "squaring the circle."
The prayer of the work done Protestantism seemed the breath of stale clericaloide Catholicism. He liked the anti-Jesuit and "clericalism" which the work is God's work sounded again, and gospel.
smarter Neither have been fought in this country from falling into the propaganda, ugh, go away.
Rarely in her life has made a very generous and selfless act, so radical and unconditional.
"I also believe that never in my life I made a mistake of this magnitude. And not because Erras in my findings about what the work was. (Yes a mistake, we miss all). It is not that disappointed or disappoint me, this happened, but that was not important. The seriousness of the matter is that there was calibrated the radical incompatibility of my nature and character with that institution. This was a sui generis organization so there was mad to the limit my personal conditions and abilities. "
" Opus Dei order imposing an external target, control and monitor my behavior, my life subjected to constant self-control, ordered my hours and my days Life according to a plan that had a tough slab weighing heavily. And what's worse, ruined my dreamy and lonely propensities to force me to a life together, preferably cheerful and supportive, which annihilated all my reserves of darkness and darkness, where scents are my best treasure. My dark side, my shadow, the secret behind the door locked up since childhood in the basement of my castle interior, risked all annihilated by a lighting operation irresponsible radical. Should be in constant tension to find me always happy, cheerful, positive frame of mind and yes, pure suppression of the dark sides Anger, Anger, Melancholy and Depression as part of my character. Have persisted in the Opus Dei would have gone crazy, or I would have become as hard feel of that cynical professor of "The Tree of Life" (film), a colorless miserable creature. "
paragraph follows a complacent with the Opus Dei, incense the golden calf, expendable in a man of his talent. No need to sacrifice a lamb on the altar of Opus Dei, has it all, is shielded from attacks opusinos classics. It is an intellectual who enjoys recognition within and outside Spain, why do we do this major to which we are nobody and we have no much chance of defense? Things to think and think something bad will they be? I do not understand their praise free
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