Saturday, April 9, 2011
Verses For Church Anniversary
Eugenio Trias and Opus Dei II
Corte Inglés - Opus Dei had never heard that connection. If you do not work in Pamplona in this city not only clinical, universities, schools ... also a number of ancillary businesses, I would reassure me about what I say. Besides, I'd love someone to write the story of the triumph of the firm, have been destroyed, and whatever happens in the economy still going strong. Thus seen from outside and what it costs in this country to get something to float, I get very curious about how they have achieved and why not fall apart ever. Zara is another resounding success Business English, but more recent. The company is not my issue, but would have to compare these businesses flourishing and lasting, and Ruiz Mateos empires do not last. The latest scams that I hear
did not know who had donated to Legionnaires in 2006. But these people do it all wrong, how to donate if the first obligation is to pay workers and suppliers? There is something inexplicable, unless it is a ruse to hide money under the guise of a donation, money then somehow recover. Novel sight. With these 12 million were not there to solve all the problems we have now? better would it have been problems if you dispense with that donation?
I would not trust anything, maybe it is another form of capital flight say give it to the legionnaires. Elena Salgado does not know where to get money to pay doctors and teachers, and I realized that the bulk of spending in government should monitor these holes charitable, rather than to take people to the street and down the salaries. 12 million euros, how many fit there wages plus interest since 2006? we require checks should be sects "ultra" suffered, not by the manipulation of consciousness that matters little to anyone and is very gaseous, for government accounts that affect us all. Question
whatever you want, not upset. I do not know if anyone can answer it. After much wasted time of my life I see now more useful for those years make clear to others what they can.
Dragons does not even nacionalcatólica propaganda, or they know and where they are. I said this film was going to disagree with people who lived in those times, because that Escrivá decaf and postmodern has little to do with some tried. And on top of the usual anecdotes defaced lifetime: the key to the floor to the sewer, over the Pyrenees, the footprints in the snow, the fight with the partner, the unconditional support to Franco in Burgos as the republic was a Marxist and anti-Christian ... give up to punishment. Bad as they are ...
I continue with the philosopher who was one time cash. I forgot the title of the book, "The trees of life" (2003)
Autobiography of Triassic up to 33 years |
goes without saying that the book I liked it, and I am interested in the way the author sees the philosophy, a knowledge open to all knowledge to feed the reflection.
the work is organized with a perfectly legitimate (and we do not even obey the laws of the Church, they are jumping with papal support), that the fault is yours for not knowing gauge their incompatibility, which, however, afforded him more good than bad. That he bounced out of Opus Dei, who has never said anything negative about your stay, you have not even spoken badly in public, they entered and exited through the front door, good manners at the entrance and in the settlement.
These lines outraged me, what good are the gifts of intellect? "For glory and those who do not belong the Catalan gentry we damned? So far I had not noticed so much of social classes in and out of Opus Dei, I am very resistant to that to be my guide behavior with the people around me. But obviously does not work much less society Opus Dei. Following these lines of a English intellectual who is going to cost me admire despite his undeniable talent philosophical, I feel that I was the mop there. No woman scrubbing, but the cloth used to clean the floor, collect the rubbish, twists and turns to give a pass to the firm. I feel my little lofty metaphors, but that we no title of nobility or the surname. Nor hypocrisy for learning the unwritten codes.
His friends and acquaintances attest that in this strange three years of his life had changed identity. He lived in a strange alienation in which my nature was entirely disrupted. My efforts to adapt to the standards of conduct and even of expression that prevailed at that institution have been very large. I had become what they never had been, a person alleged to be cheerful and full of "good feelings" that ignored the complex and conflicting issues and advocated a simplified life (yes, always in the presence of God) . No longer read the Camus or Sartre, even quipped about the concerns of those "angry young men" from which I myself was a specimen noted. Without realizing it, I was betraying myself, I was denied one by one my attributes and character, and was thus ruining it started off a start in writing classes and speaking of Preu and restless raids culminated in my film clubs and other clubs for of rare business in that first year students (...) "
" It took three years to break the Gordian knot between the fanatical belief that took hold of me and this new look so artificial and false to be presented, that of a be always cheerful and "positive" that even seemed to have changed (for worse) so being and character. In fact, this mask was not simply a consequence of having undergone a conversion. I had become a pawn of struggle of the institution to which I had with all the generosity entega own age.
You learn from mistakes and suffering. "Patheia Mathei" said Aeschylus: learning through suffering. "
speaks of the Hybris he suffered, the want to overdo it, the madness of wanting to correct his previous life with the absolute novelty of the work of God. And it gives a great importance in his life because of the attempt correct that hubris (excessive stubborn affirmation of something) came his peculiar philosophy that is what has made him famous: the philosophy of the limit. Assuming the boundary condition would be the ethical imperative that it be clear, I can not try to overdo something infinite, in a sense of holiness here on earth to betray our humanity.
all were vaccinated later attempt to change the world, of being an old chair in a large company or work. "It would from then on I, a person with a singular proper noun, which in the meantime had solved my problem of vocations." New incense movement Opus Dei. It is remarkable and speaks Trias Opus Dei, as if he's going around the world "as a sock it had happened to him as if he had never spoken to third parties of certain ideals, as if there were priests, principals, other tenured, reading ... that lead to deception and deceit to be unique responsibility.
We were all naive, but also had nets and fishermen. They came after us telling us all to mean even the opposite of what would happen then. It is as real as the rest Trias says blaming exclusive story.
an award from the President Navarre (2008) |
And certainly he does not care what people put finished or do math. Nor to deal with the administration of schools, or professional impediments suffered its fifth women who entered the Opus Dei. I remember now those mentioned by Ramon Rosal in his "Wreck and Rescue of a vital project," Amparo Martí pp. 123 et seq, or Rosario Badules pp. 169 et seq.
His first year was spent in Opus Dei residence Aralar of Pamplona. They first went to study philosophy. If he keeps thanks to Opus Dei because he helped to discover his true vocation, the memory is not reciprocal. In my years of studying philosophy at Navarre heard no mention Trias, is not it interesting? He left there as seen in his autobiography holds a very special memory of Leonardo Polo, whose lectures I also attended 30 years later that Trias. But neither he nor any other I heard mention the Catalan philosopher. Granada only heard from him.
Trias is the devotion of by Polo. Not appear after the year he spent in Pamplona it has never seen, strange as it devotes a whole chapter ("The Master") and gives the impression that everything in philosophy owes it to Polo, who Trias considered a genius scorned by the English philosophy class for belonging to Opus Dei.
But life has then been Eugene Trias their political experiences, family, emotional, literary echoes that have nothing to do with the mental universe of Leonardo Polo. I see a disconnect between what we admire in Polo Trias said and experiences, makes me uneasy.
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