Yes, cash Vidal-Quadras should be that was since 1983 professor at the School of Journalism, after information science and communication now the University of Navarra. Besides this name is too low to medium Catalan nobility? have all the ingredients. Should be examined if married and vice president of European Parliament (it will be these in the last row of the parliament), had a time of cash. I do not know, it's just an idea. As Trias, as Panikkar, like so many illustrious Catalan Barcelona bourgeoisie who got into this story opusina and tried to leave quietly. Not appropriate. The noise we make the poor .... and without a title. The populace.
José Antonio Vidal Quadras, a professor in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bcash, (1931) |
About my indignation, I recalled another case of a former supernumerary, ie a married woman who also persecuted to death. That is, these defenders of the family in the Castellana to demonstrate against gay marriage as a matter of terminology and for endangering the foundations of morality, do not shake your hand when it comes to a working family of three children, two small school age. Have tried to sink the marriage. We have taken the money. Easy prey: aristocrat or not people have outlets to protect any of the tribes that you have to accept in Spain to survive. Cowards, preying on the poor while giving us lessons in Catholic morality.
I saw hardships that families go about to cut off water and light. And more misery caused deliberately by the supernumerary copies and that only they can read at Mass and hear every day, the beads move and give catechesis. A real shame, especially since the mother left the Opus Dei and helped someone who also left. The enemy no water, and persecution. That is, sectarianism, sucking like leeches where they know it hurts, the salary of the husband. Proponents of the founding family and a network of expensive schools throughout Spain, my mother what country we live anesthetized! All abuses are possible for these people who are placed in positions from which to do damage on the target and count as you are losing money, while using those same positions pulpit for the preaching of an archaic moral.
Another high: do you remember that the temporary front Benigno Blanco Family Forum encouraged conscientious objections to the subject of citizenship? It was the year of grace 2007. We heard many diatribes against this course by opusinos some more camouflaged than others, but always they and some Desperation. I just discovered that a numeraire Mary Elósegui, teacher or professor is not clear to me, from the University of Zaragoza has written a manual for primary citizenship, and that several regions are interested in the book to introduce in their schools. Hypocrisy, believe nothing of what they preach, just power, power, and power. Or what is the same, money, money and money.
I also found this numerary defending the religion class in public school, I care less. At the end of a story out of that kind of religious communities autonomous are paying a salary to a lot of opusinos. But I've learned in a disguised opusina page: Good doctrine. You know, to read it and publish it, never to live, do not even think, I would like for me and so many victims of sectarianism. It also has very little grace note that a member of Opus Dei teaches human rights and even writes on the subject. God's ways are all about. For this to come. Human rights, people who do not respect the reputation of anyone who slander and do their best to wipe out anyone who has serious charges against them. They have a whole team of psychiatrists and even a hospital facility dedicated to the "rebels Your organization
".... By the way for slander not wait to write a book and opened a blog: it was from the first moment I came to point out the naked king. I clarify misunderstandings.
concentration camp prisoners in |
me off is to keep writing. I am deeply disgusted with hypocrisy.
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