Thanks Pelayo, with that name, maybe you Asturias and ever I've seen in person. I do not care. Yes, the Opus are some uneducated, but neither you nor I have discovered that the Mediterranean was known for decades. Many professors in English universities located not know that string, but have not dared to point out, there are more important in the lives of everyone who walk pointing out injustices and false prestige, and we understand all too well.
The point is that the complicit silence we have paid dearly thousands of people in this country of middle class and traditional Catholic family. We lost everything, a good chunk of life to reach the conclusions that others had but were kept. That's what sucks, not a little but a lot.
of disappointment on disappointment, to grace, so has been my life since I was a decade ago by chance in a study group on this author and time, beginning my doubts about the sincerity of the objectives of the directors in Opus Dei .
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Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658) |
Tomorrow is the day of the trial of Elizabeth against Enrique Rojas Good luck! is necessary for the scam and fraud have continued their due. And is either forged souls counselors are lined with impunity removing people from the middle.
I had the opportunity to attend discussions between philosophers and philosophy teachers more about what is secularism. The discussion did not meet the requirements of Habermasian dialogue free of domination, from the moment that one of the parties at least do not put all the cards on the table. The missing letter is the membership of Opus Dei in that part, which is not expendable in a debate of this nature.
As I grew up in the field militant Catholicism, and I've a great disappointment to meet face to face with the thirst for power, the issue I care a lot. What struck me most was to discover the brazen lack of moral principles in practice, that is where it gets interesting moral principles. To preach worth many to stick to them not so many candidates. The principles uncomfortable.
And I always interested in what should be the place of religion in a pluralistic society. Our English is a very special case, since until recently we lived in a Catholic confessional state, at times more Catholic than the Pope, and even today in a neutral state in matters of religion on paper, but we practice in a Catholic society. Rites of passage in the lives of many English people are in their hands in general, what their child is left behind communion party? Around here do not know anyone ... you take your religious indifference to that point. Confirmation and jump over it. On the other hand continue to practice ancestral worship authorities to Santiago, the Virgen del Pilar, the various patrons of the military ... We have recently changed.
Unfortunately no analysis or restful discussions or arguments on these issues. Throw us did not leave things at your head when dealing with issues of religion and politics so mixed in Spain ever since.
militant Catholicism that is usually identified with militant nationalism also English curling when it says to limit religious symbols in public life. And often warn that these same secularists open the door to "moro" and the construction of mosques. About us, our history, our culture, our art ... and our essence is to be Catholic.
advocates Catholic catechisms do not understand that others do not tend to like them catechism. And intentionally or unintentionally confused the fact that an advance of civilization neutrality institutions in religious matters, with a "secular crusade" or a "secular fundamentalism" that it is the height of the barbarous expressions coined in this war.
The pity is that discussions in this country are won or else cakes are cute little jokes with which the topic is canceled until another day.
But I want to echo the text that deserve our attention.
For one Marine writes: One of the latest waves of culture was the Enlightenment. She brought a movement of independence from dogma, defended the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress and freedom and reason, designed an ethical culture in which a man proud of his dignity, feeling strong and independent legislature is turned to himself.
In the eighteenth century Enlightenment is dispensable aspects. From my philosophical training Pamplona remember that we wanted to cure the excesses illustrated by returning to the premodern, without passing through the modern. Many critics of enlightened reason opus out of the ranks. And the medicine against the excesses of scientism and the technical reason is returned to nature as understood by Newton.
But if we can not be illustrated as in XVIII would be ridiculous to go back to medieval monisms and Christianity - not to be confused with Christianity or Islam, not to be confused with Islam. This ensures Javier Otaola in his book "Secularism."
Postmodernism can not be anti-modern, but ultra-modern. Overcoming modernity makes sense only if it is digesting the values \u200b\u200bof modernity in what is essential. Enlightenment is not as time saving or as a whole, but as a permanent dynamic. This is what Adorno and Horkheimer tried and Spain, Eugenio Trias. Postmodernism would Enlightenment enlightened secularism secular.
Secularism is the key, the referee, its value as a metasystem. Today they have imploded ideologies that gave a full explanation of the world, there are a plurality of discourses that are opposed. But this does not mean you can talk with one another, which is what I was taught and what Benedict XVI does not tire of preaching: no absolute truth we are all doomed to relativism of values \u200b\u200band that this is a disaster moral. I'm not OK with Mr. Pope, the disaster is the Inquisition or the inquisitions and the stabs of the champions of the truth. Unfortunately. I personally believe in the Truth which enlightens every man coming into this world as St. John says. But that religious truth and above all not served in public life of a country because it completely distorts what is a political discussion,
In politics there is no question of metaphysics, but other values \u200b\u200bfor each day: recognition of rights, tolerance for being different, respect for the beliefs and experiences alien, imposing no creeds, legal framework to ensure coexistence. That difference in levels is a product of history going for us all and makes no sense to preach as if we were in the thirteenth century. The need for faith, for answers, finding more than is common to all men. But societies, knowledge, relations between us and nature have changed so much that we can not attempt to continue pounding, impervious to the world is different.
Furthermore, I insist, traditionalist Catholic groups that support this discourse of absolute truth and say they are persecuted and martyred of secularism, practice finances century. If they can evade taxes and use all the legal tricks that their properties do not appear in their hands. Should ask the people who get to defend the philosophical and theological average age for the state of their bank accounts and property ... we would laugh.
Fernando Savater explains: "When the Christian ontotheology radicalism has lost its metaphysical atheism is absurd that intends to occupy his post with another strong metaphysical, the scientific realism. Remain open as many paths instead of "all" or "nothing" bet Pascalian. "
Here was I from the beginning. If secularism is the rule of the game, the meeting place, it must reject the conversion of secularism in a more confessional, in a strong ontology. That is the aim of militant Catholicism, "We want to impose atheism." As they impose is that others believe. It
the agnostic, atheist or rationalist, that is just the reason and do not want to know more beyond. So it is no longer the "lay frame" within which different views are understood, but a more confessional. Here we talk about the secularization of law as if God did not exist, it is not the same as saying categorically: "no." Reference is a secular institution, the State does not care about the particular beliefs of its citizens, not favors some over others.
The twentieth century has been terrible lessons of history. To waive that secularism and follow ethical exalt race, class, nation, crushing the freedom of the individual and individual rights, there have been all sorts humanitarian disasters: in war, which led nationalism, fascism, communism, capitalism and the peace. We forget that more people died in Spain once "broke" the peace that the "religious persecution" and "anti" of the previous three years.
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