El comentarista que se hace llamar wiener, ¿ese sobrenombre es puro azar?
Me hace gracia que los últimos comentarios que llegan diverted to the track Marcial Maciel, who still is not strictly speaking related central question of this blog. Also by the fact that all motejáis Maciel. Copy a commentary: "All life giving lessons of Christianity and humanity," securities "... Another great farce. Should be called the" Legion of Sex ", or" Legion of perverts ". Do not mix Christ in this, taking advantage of the pull of Jesus to name your class organization infected, inbred and alienating. "
I can only add that Maciel copy to Opus Dei. Or at least the only recollection I have of note to legionary when I was a numerary is an advisory letter that came upon them, which warned us that this organization copying to "our Father", where "our Father" Escrivá.
And as only one we call Father, on the day that is celebrated today I found reading the Lord's Prayer that has nothing to do with the dogmas, corseted, fears and some invented prisons for man on behalf of as sacred.
is understood that the Opus Dei abominable psychology, psychiatry loathe certainly interesting distinction. Too bad psychology in Spain if I heard it will drift towards the possibility of a "recipe" to solve human problems and conflicts with drugs is the major failing of our times. And the Opus Dei need not insist. Without my wanting or intending half of blog has sunk in psychiatric issues.

In Hebrew there are no vowels, apparently. In fact it is the reader who must choose the voice if you want to understand. So that the word "ab" means father reads "eb" coming to be something like "Bud plant, a plant that has just arrived. The Heavenly Father of which Jesus speaks is not an inquisitor semicolons searching the "doctrinal slip" allowing a person to terminate its adjective "Catholic", but has a paternal role to stop this outbreak, we would grow each human beings, each one different. Is also evident in nature, the number of known plant and animal species and unclassified think it is a sign of infinity and differentiation of life. Not the way "unique" and "default" what nature itself cries. Yes to the variety, diversity, infinity.
Christ calls us to free ourselves from the order decided by the religious despotism to meet with divine law, which is a law made traps to fall in love but a law that protects and legitimizes the renewing power of these "little buds." It is not sadistic law that holds the child's guilt or emotional blackmail for not allowing her to grow, not a law that imprisons be back in the old (parable of new wine in old bottles.)
The prohibition of incest psychologist interprets this as a form of "no go" on the road that would take us to repeat other lives, other models, views of past generations. The God of Jesus is love, the power of life that never ends. Divine instinct in us that is manifested in the desire to promote these shoots, "children, young people?, Giving life and sharing, learning to live is a passion, a passion for continual renewal of the human psyche.
"open God" to fight in us all the idols of power of all despotism and religious fundamentalism, social, cultural, familial, political.
Jesus speaking to renew the human experience of the Father who is "our Father", "abinou" in Hebrew contains the "I" = "bi" when I say the Our Father proclaimed the ethics of a human community founded on God, which neither I nor we cancel the vice versa. In Opus Dei we cancel the self. And the big threat to "numerary vocation" is wanting to be "me", but the evangelical teaching is not the autoanulamiento or slavery.
The famous "kenosis" of which we spoke on the kinds of theology, God stoops, God is poor because he is in every individual human life. But we were taught that the incarnation of God is an exclusive privilege of Jesus Heresy to think that God is in me and you! The God of fundamentalism Opus is a distant God and picky, which keeps track of whether or not you made butter. What strain of spirituality unpresentable!
But curiously when we make God an old man frowning, just judge that you do not miss one, keep accounts of the most shocking (you know the virgin eyes, aspirations, profidén smiles, back in do not you lean, sweet that you deprive yourself, you do not use elevators ...) then we're bordering on idolatry. I have unknowingly been idolatrous.
"The believer formatted such theology will tend to regard Jesus as a God outside. Strange and higher, which is feared to be unworthy. They approached him always in a state of guilt and insecurity, reassuring through codified and ritualized prayers. When the Jesus of the Gospel is presented as a brother who brought us the news of God's unconditional love. "
But life is in each one is divine, should be respected and celebrated, that is to sanctify God's name, which may have very little to do with a formal religious ceremony.
is a pity that in the history of Christianity, the Eucharist has become an abstract sort of magic act. The trasubstanciación of bread and wine, which bears no relation to the daily struggle for life and the unity of all in love.
Must see: the same words and meanings as can be given different ... Love life and freedom, unity in the Father of all because everyone has given us life ... What does all this with the mechanical repetition of rites saviors and careful and consistent accountability for sins, faults and directors and confessors faltillas number? I said: Idolatry pure things and people.
"In our churches drowsy and gentrified Jesus is no longer called by the messianic struggle," the Kingdom ". Catholics believe integrated into the body sacrificed on the Eucharist and Protestants believe in the Supper symbolically integrated. But in either case it is an abstract body, that has nothing to do with living human embodiment. We nurture a metaphysical abstraction, not a battle royal messianic Jesus for the Kingdom. "
Let alone the issue of debts and debtors mentioned at the end of the prayer of Jesus in a world in which we are all indebted to a financial system that imposes its law unilaterally humanity. The objective of profitability over the satisfaction of human needs sinking in misery for most of humanity.
concerned about these issues (of which the Hebrew Bible worries a lot, so in the Old Testament was a Jubilee year to forgive the debts), Opus Dei is synonymous with communist tendencies. Hence they have chased theologian theologian bishop and bishop to those who do not share this single vision that today seems dominant in Catholicism. And those who do not think it right to avoid greater evils silent. They even do their bit different to rally the Opus, always welcome good relations with the powerful. More paganism, more proof that their faith wavers.
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